dying inside

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Jaterra pov ( inside of her thoughts)<<< as in the other nice side of jaterra. Or as U can say the normal jaterra... Bc like it's still some good in there... She ain't completely evil yet.

"Wha... Where am I?" I looked up. I couldn't see anything. It was pitch black. "HEY! Why r da lights off you dummies!" My voice echoed through out the room.
I tried to move but I was wrapped up in a big OL long sleeved shirt with chains wrapped around it. At least my feet were free. I could walk... But I couldn't eat dang it!

A door Creek could be heard.
"WHOS THERE?!" I looked around. There was a bright light. I walked into it, "W-why am I here?!" I was in a asylum. What did I do!? I'm not insane.

"You shouldn't be up patient - 9925." I looked at them like 'bish whet?'

"Why am I here?"

"You murdered people. You are on top secret lock down, if the doctors see you... Theres no telling what they'll over dose you w-with! Heh!" This one guy couldn't stop smiling. He kept moving his hands.

"Quick! The guards are coming! Come into this room."

I hurriedly ran into the room. Some one slammed my head on the table. I turned around to see ben and sally.

"Ha! You were fooled! Eheheheh! Now we can finally murder you!" My eyes went wide. "I- I never did anything to you!" Before I knew it a knife stabbed through my hand. I screamed to the top of my lungs.

"No... Dont cry, we haven't gotten to the good part." Ben dragged a chain and wrapped it around my neck.

"*cough* HELP!"

"Whos gonna help you now? Deadman?!" Clockwork came from the darkness with ej. Ej cut my stomach open.



(Sorry that's the end of slender woods part 2.... JUST KIDDING WE HAVE WAY MORE TO GO! Hope U liked this chapter... Star, comment, FOLLOW ANNNNND DONT BE DULL BE COOL U KNO WHAT I DO B U AND ALWAYS SPARKITUPPPPP!)

SLENDER WOODS PART 2Where stories live. Discover now