Bad Books

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Oh. My. Gosh.

You know what makes me laugh so fucking hard? Is when people copy my books and they are fucking awful haha.

Like it seriously makes me laugh so much.

They think they are all badass copying my books and thinking that no one will catch them. But in reality, their poorly copied book is fucking terrible, my Faithful Shifters tell me everything, I message them, and then they try to make up some dumbass lie and end up taking down their book anyway. It just makes me smile.

It brings me joy.

Okay...I'm gonna admit...that sentence made me sound like a mad, psychotic, deranged serial killer....

But hey, that's okay ;)

Just kidding no it's not lol. Being that is a very very VERY bad thing. So I would probably pick a different hobby lol.

Anywhore, I'm gonna go get some rest because I have a giant headcold and headache and it's slowly killing me. So I'll see all of you in heaven!

Love you dearly Faithful Shifters!


Oh! Before I go...who watches The Walking Dead???

I just started it the other day and I'm already on Season 3...heh...whoops haha.\

As you can tell, I have no life lol.

But Daryl!! Dayumn!!!!! He is one sexy motherfucker!!!!

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