Motherfucking Ted Talk

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As you can tell by the title, this little update will probably have a lot of curse words and for that, I am extremely sorry. This will also contain sensitive subjects. I want everyone to be aware of that. BUT. This girl is pissed.

Okay. Grab a snack, sit back, and enjoy my information for you.

FIRST OF ALL. If you don't have a uterus, you don't get an opinion. You should NOT be allowed to tell us girls, who DO HAVE a uterus, what to do with our own fucking bodies. Okay? So you men can sit the fuck down, shut up, and take that stupid heartbeat bill and shove it up your ass. And on top of that, they are trying to ban birth control pills because these dumbasses see it as a form of abortion. Plus, if a girl leaves a state to get an abortion (because Ohio and Georgia have the heartbeat bill or at least trying to pass it), she could possibly get the death penalty and anyone who helps her can get jail time for conspiracy to murder. HOW FUCKED UP IS THAT. You want to murder someone because you think they are murdering a child. News flash, that little thing inside them is about the size of a cashew.

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(Just going to leave these pics here)

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(Just going to leave these pics here)

SECOND OF ALL. If I ever have a girl, she's going to be a full-blown assassin before she's allowed out of the house. And before anyone gets mad, this isn't a blow towards women. Let me explain.

1. I just found out that an ELEVEN-YEAR-OLD girl got raped and was impregnated. But because of the heartbeat bill, she's FORCED to have the child. And the guy who raped her? No jail time. He was found guilty and still no jail time. Do you know how fucked up that is? Like honestly. And that poor girl. I can't even imagine what she must be going through.

2. And another FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD girl was raped. And the rapist? No jail time. FOUND GUILTY, STILL ABLE TO KEEP HIS JOB AS A MIDDLE SCHOOL TEACHER, AND NO JAIL TIME. I am beyond pissed.

THIRD OF ALL. I guess they are now trying to pass a bill that states if a girl accuses a guy of rape and he is found not guilty, the girl will go to jail because apparently, that is a form of "false accusations." But let's be real, rapists don't go to jail anyway. And if they do, it's for like 3 months maybe. *cough* Brock Turner *cough*.

Yes, I understand that many people agree with the heartbeat bill and they will argue with me. That's fine because the unfollow button is right there. Feel free to click it. And some people think abortion is wrong in general and that's fine because that's your opinion. But is it your body? No. So guess what, that person can do whatever the fuck she wants because it's HER body. Not yours.

I honestly thought we were moving up in the world with females being able to have rights. Lol, guess not. I love how we can't even control our own bodies anymore. (Note the sarcasm).

But I didn't come here to fight with anyone. I just want everyone to be aware of what is going on in the world. You guys need to know. Educate yourselves and when you are old enough to vote, make sure you research who you are voting for. We can't keep letting these people in. We HAVE to be wise about who we are letting have these seats. And even if you are against abortion, fine whatever good for you, this isn't just about that. They are trying to get full CONTROL over us and what we do. We can't let that happen. They can't have control over us. We aren't property, we are people. They need to know that.

And listen, I'm not trying to bash anyone. Am I for abortion? I'm iffy on it. I don't really like the idea of it but who am I to tell another person what to do with their body? I'm not going to sit here and be like, "nope. You can't do that. I know it's your body and all, but I won't let you." Hell no. It's there body so they should be able to do whatever they want. People should stop trying to control other people's. They are human beings, not property.

Thank you for coming to my motherfucking ted talk. Have a nice day.

-Austin Kalin

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