Chapter 1

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          As I stare listlessly at my bedroom window, I noticed a ray of light which was oddly flickering through the blinds. It was already dark at that time. This happens quite frequently at night and only happens when I can't put myself into deep slumber. I never really had the guts to investigate about it because it was quite eerie in a way. Just like always, I ignored it and was desperate to get some shut eye.
          Morning came and I lazily got ready for school. It was a daily routine where I turn the tv on even when I'm not watching it. I guess it made me felt more at ease. It became a habit since my parents died a few years ago. Living alone in the same house with memories of my late parents wasn't all that bad. I'm still young and I don't have anywhere else to go. You can say that they took my heart along with them and left me as an empty vessel. Well, life wasn't all that important to me from the start.
          I arrived at school just in time for the bell to ring informing the students that class was about to start. As I walk down the hallway to the Science Lab, Alex came to me in full spirit. Just like always.

"Good morning my beautiful and lovely goddess!" he said with a loud yet soothing voice.
"Oh, hey." I said.
Disappointed with my response, he pouted his lips and made a sour-looking face. What a child I thought.
"Oh, the morning shines even brighter with your presence great Alex!" I shouted trying to coax him.
I saw him smiling from ear to ear yet he was still trying to hide it.
"Whatever!" he said running away embarrassed.
I rolled my eyes and continued on walking to the lab.

          The lab was noisy with students joyfully talking to their friends when I entered. I sat next to Alex who already calmed down a bit. Our science teacher, Mr. Felix didn't arrive yet. I turned to my right where the window was and boredly stared at the yard. The gardener was busy watering the plants. Alex suddenly tapped my shoulder.

"What are you looking at?" he asked.
I pointed my index finger to the gardener and he made an irritated face.
"That's a boring thing to look at. You should look at my face. That's way more exciting!" he grinned at me showing his amazing face features. At least, that's what he thinks.
I pushed his face away, feeling annoyed by his statement.
Mr. Felix finally entered the lab and the class began.


          Half of the school day was over. Alex and I went to the canteen for lunch. Why Alex? I have to say it's because he is my best friend. No. Actually he's my only friend. I've been with him ever since I could remember. He once said to me that I'm surprisingly very popular and sociable.. at first. He said that I had many friends and liked doing social activities in school. I don't really remember myself being like that ever. He said something changed in me ever since.. you know.. typical things like.. parents.. died.. nothing much..
          The canteen was full of students. I somehow felt uneasy with this chaotic atmosphere. We waited patiently along the queue while looking at the menu. Today's special was pepperoni pizza. Well, nothing special about it since all of the other dishes were pizzas too. Only different toppings. I wasn't actually hungry at that time, so I just bought myself a can of black coffee. Alex bought 3 slices of different pizzas and a strawberry milkshake. How cute. I meant that in a sarcastic way. We both sat at a table near the exit. Just us both. Sometimes I wonder if Alex wants to talk with other people. For example, girls. I personally think that he is a really good looking guy. It's weird that he never actually socialises with other people. At least, I never see him do it.

"Want some?" he asked while holding up a slice of pizza infront of my face.
"No, thanks." I politely declined.
"C'mon. You have to eat something." he insisted.
"Well, okay." I gave up. I took one of his pizza but he suddenly snatched it from me.
"Not so fast, my lady! A real gentleman must always feed his lady." he blabbered.
I looked at him in disgust and stood up.
"Okay, okay, okay! I'm sorry! Please sit down and eat. I promise I won't do that again." he panicked.
I looked at him hesitatingly.
"Yes, really." he replied.

          We continued to eat and constantly talked about useless things. The bell rang and the students hurriedly rushed to their rightful classes.
          The day went on as it usually does. The final bell rang informing the students that school was over. I didn't feel like going home, so I asked Alex if he wanted to hang out.

Of course his reply was a yes.

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