Chapter 1

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The first time I saw Ginny Weasley I was in my first year. She was the shy girl who would cling to her mothers side while her joking brothers would mock each other. I didn't think much of her except that she was an interesting person, just as interesting as her whole family.

The first time she saw me, her brown eyes were glued to me. I could feel the hole burning though my head from her staring at me for so long. I didn't mind much. Yet I also didn't think much of it when her brother and now my best friend said. "Ginny... My sister, she is obsessed with you", I shrugged this off mostly because a lot of people seemed to be 'obsessed' with me. I didn't enjoy the attention and that's why I didn't think much of it. But Ginny Weasley was something different, she wasn't obsessed she was intrigued by me. She found me as interesting as I found her and her family.

Before my second year, I noticed her more. I noticed that she smelt like flowers and that her hair was perfectly straight and just as orange as her brothers. I also noticed that she got more embarrassed around me. Like that day when I got to the Weasley's. We sat down for breakfast. Ginny came running down the stairs, her hair was a mess like she had just woken up, she was wearing pyjamas and slippers. Ginny stopped in her tracks when she saw me, she turned as red as her hair and ran back upstairs.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked ignorantly. Fred and George sniggered and Ron rolled his eyes.

"She hasn't shut up about you all summer" Ron admitted. "She's excited to be going to Hogwarts with her... Uh crush" Ron finished. This just made Fred and George laugh more. Mrs Weasley came up behind them and hit them over the head with the daily prophet.

"Ouch Mum" Fred complained while he rubbed his head. Ginny came back down stairs fully dressed and with her hair just as straight as it usually was. She sat down at the table. My eyes followed her as she sat down. She was a very interesting human being. I finally realised after a while that she was staring back with her elbow in the butter. I tried not to chuckle but a small one came out. Ginny blushed and removed her arm from the butter.


Then there was that time at Diagon Alley when Ginny defended me. I was very  impressed with that and I think she knows that. "Leave him alone" Ginny said in her harsh voice to Draco Malfoy. This voice surprised me as is only heard a voice this harsh from Aunt Petunia.

"Got yourself a girl friend Potter?" Draco asked me with a smirk. Ginny's face went bright red and I shook my head.

"No she's not my girlfriend" I said and Ginny walked away with a red face.

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