Chapter 10

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"Eva, please pick up, please." I was praying as I held my phone up to my ear. Evalyn's voice came on and told me to leave a message after the beep.

"Evalyn, please pick up. I"m so so sorry. I know I shouldn't have done it. I didn't mean to hurt you at all. I just need to get a grip on my life and I need your help. Please, please talk to me. I need you." I hung up the phone.

How could I do this? And to my own best friend? I was a horrible friend. This was the sixth time I'd called since she'd left yesterday. 

"Come on, dear, time to go to school!" my mom yelled up the stairs.

I stuffed my phone into my too-tight jeans and went downstairs. My mom had insisted I go back to school, for my education. I'd already missed a month - what more could I have to lose? I didn't want to go back at all.

"Mom, do I have to go?" I whined. I knew I sounded like a little girl, but I really did not want to go.

"Yes." she said.

I groaned.

"Come on, it's time to go. Meet me in the car." my mother said as she walked outside. I quickly grabbed some waffles and stuck them in the toaster.

Ping! The waffles popped up and I grabbed them and went outside.

"I don't see why I can't just drive myself," I complained. My mom gave me the look.

"You know that I'm not letting you drive anywhere until you get better."

"And you think me going to school is going to make me better?"

"Scarlett Nicole Walters! Put that smart tongue away. You're going to school, and that's final."

My mom and I had an uneasy silence the rest of the car trip. An agonizing ten minutes later, I hopped out of the car without saying good-bye. I was early, so I decided to sit on the benches just outside the main entrance. Pulling out my iPhone, I tried calling Evalyn again. She still didn't answer.

"Ugh, Eva, why won't you talk to me?" I groaned out loud.

"Friend problems?" a male voice asked behind me.

I spun around and looked to see who was invading my privacy. It was Greg Monroe, the hot boy who had talked to me the day I tried to commit suicide.

"Yah." I replied.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" he asked me, a kind look on his face.

"Do you want to listen?" 

"I don't care. Go ahead, vent to me." he said, and he sat down on the bench.

I didn't know if I could trust this boy. I mean sure, he looked trustworthy, but a lot of lying skanks looked trustworthy and ended up stabbing you in the back. Yet for some reason, I didn't think Greg was like that.

I ended up telling him the whole story. He didn't look flabbergasted or shocked. Instead he looked at me with concern . . . and something else I couldn't name.

"That's tough. Why do you think that way about yourself?" he asked after I finished.

"I don't know. I'm just not good enough." I said, broken.

"What made you come up with that?" 

"I'm never good enough to be like my sister. My sister is just perfect. Perfect life, perfect husband, perfect house, perfect, perfect, perfect! It just makes me so angry that I can't be as good as her."

"But you don't need to be as good as her. What made you think that idea?" Greg asked quizzically.

"I don't know. My parents just put a lot of stress on me to be perfect."

"You don't need to be perfect. If you're happy, then you're good."

"I'm not happy though."

Just then the bell rang.

"Can I have your number?" Greg asked quickly.

"Um . . " I was dumbfounded. A guy like Greg wanted my number?

"Sure." I said, quickly writing it down and giving it to him.

"Thanks. Text you later." Greg said, and darted off towards the gym.

"Bye!" I yelled out, and I walked into school feeling very good about myself.

What do you think of Greg? I know the name isn't the best thing, but I wrote this late at night and this was the first name that popped into my head. Is Greg a good match for Scarlett?

Thank you for reading this chapter of My Suicide Story. All of these events are not true. Please send me feedback on this chapter. 

On a different note, I'm a critic (and yes, I know I'm not that good of a writer, but I know how books are supposed to be written) and if any of you would like their story reviewed, just let me know.

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