Strike Out

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"Oh how I've missed the city air." I breathed.

"Dramatic much?" Jasper said.

"Oh hey, there's Eric!" Jared darted off to her friends.

"Thank you. I couldn't stand to see her so upset."

"I know. It was hard for everyone to see it, but you've been like a mother to her most of her life." He said pulling me closer to his side.

"All I've wanted for her was to be happy and have a normal life. She finally has it and I can't take it away."

"You don't have to, because you have that to all right in the same place. You're a part of the family now and everyone loves you."

"Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me."

"Come on, lets get you to class."


The day was like heaven finally being out in the open. I may not have any friend outside the Cullen family but I really did miss the human interaction, even if I was forced to stay by Jasper's side. It's not that I don't love him it's just I'm the kind of person that needs space every once in a while. I don't need twenty-four hour protection.

"So, let me guess, we're going straight back home?"

"Actually, How do you feel about a little baseball game?" Jasper asked with a cocky smirk.

"Are you serious? Of course!"

"We do have to meet up at the house with everyone though so lets go."

"Wait, what about Jared?" I asked confused.

"She wanted to go with Rose and Emmett."

"Oh, okay."

Jasper smiled. "Come on."


We had gotten dressed and everyone met out at the field, the only thing left to do was wait for Bella and Edward to get here.

We had gotten dressed and everyone met out at the field, the only thing left to do was wait for Bella and Edward to get here

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(Briggs' outfit.)

Jared had been goofing off with Emmett all afternoon while Rose and I had been hanging out. She really came out of her shell around Emmett and Both Rose and I thought that was kinda cute. Ever since they met they had been challenging each other and it's been entertaining us all. I'd have to say he is the closest friend she has ever had.

Jasper came up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist.

"So is there really no way I can get you to untie your shirt?"

"Not a chance Cowboy. It's not like anyone even cares."

"Well I care."

"It's my body I can show it if I want to." I whispered into his ear then walked back over Rose smirking back at him.

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