Chapter 2

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"What do you want?" The girl next to me asked Bora coldly.

"Aren't these the nerds of the school?" Bora asks her girls, completely ignoring the girl next to me and acted like we weren't their.

Her girls nodded and Bora turned back to use with a smirk.

"You just looked into the mirror that's why you saw a nerd" The girl next to me suddenly said with full confident. I widened my eyes and looked at Bora to see her expression. He widened her eyes to and crossed her arms while clenching her jaw.

Students who were standing around us heard our conversation and quickly ran away like scared mice. Is everyone scared of Bora?

"You better shut your mouth" Bora warned the girl next to me.

"You better go away" she replied while standing up. Bora took a step back and gave her a death glare.

"Let's go" she said to her girls ad they walked away on their high heels. The girl sat back next to me and sighed.

"I hate her" she mumbled.

"You're not the only one" i said and she looked up. She laughed silently and stood up when the bell rang.

"Classes begin, i'll see you later" she said and walked away.

"Wait!" I stood also up.

"Nae?" She stopped and turned around to look at me.

"What's your name?" I asker her.

"My name is Solji" she smiled and quickly walked away. I also took my backpack and ran to my classes.


"Eomma! Appa! I'm home" i shouted and kicked my shoes off. I entered the kitchen and saw my mom cooking.

"Oh hello dear" she said when i kissed her cheek.

"Hello appa!" I said out loud which made my dad flinch and look up at me. I guess he was busy looking at the basketball match on tv.

"Oh hello" he smiled and turned back to the tv.

"Lil sis" i turned to the door to see my older brother entering the kitchen.

"Daehyung!" I shouted happily and hugged him tight.

"Hehe" he laughed at my action and ruffled my hair.

"How was the first day of school?" Mom asked me.

"It was okay" i simply said.

"No bullies?" Daehyung suddenly asked which made my parents look at me and everyone was waiting for an answer. Since elementary school students were bullying me.

"Anni" i lied and faked a smile.

"That's good news" dad said happily. I just nodded and went upstairs to my room. I seated myself on my bed and opened my SNS. I gave my number to Solji when school ended so we can contact each other. I'm so happy for making a friend. I searched for her contact and sended her a message.

Y/N: hey☺

I smiled when i immediately received a reply.

Solji: hi!😄

Y/N: what are you doing?🙈

Solji: nothing🙌

I wanted to say something but i suddenly received a message from an unknown number.

Unkwown: Wait for me at the schoolgate in the morning

Y/N: why and who are you?

Unknown: just wanna spend time with you and ... are you sure you don't know me?😏

Y/N: anni! Just say me your name.

Unkwown: Hoseok

Hoseok!? The guy who was supposed to guide me and who blocked my way with his gang?!

Y/N: i'm not going to meet up with you at the schoolgate

Hoseok: why?

Y/N: i don't trust you

Hoseok: but your pretty!

I blushed and didn't reply.

Hoseok: Are you blushing?😏

Y/N: anni!

I blushed even harder.

*next day*

I walked up to the school and as expected, i already saw Hoseok waiting at the schoolgate with his arms in his pockets.

"What do you want?" I asked and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Nothing" he casually said and looked down at me.

"Then why did you-"

"I want to know you" he cutted me off. What?

"Know me?" I frowned.

"Yes. Btw i'm Hoseok but you can call me Jhope" he said.

"I know who you are" i looked away.

"You blushed while reading my message, right?" He asked and came closer towards me.

"Anni and who gave you my number?" I backed away.

"I asked your nerdy friend for your number" he said and came closer. My back came in contact with the wall and he suddenly trapped me in between his arms.

"She's n-not a n-nerd" i stuttered and avoided his eyes.

"Tell me, do you like me?" He suddenly asked.

"What!?" I asked confused.

"You stuttered so it means you likes me" he said and backed away a bit but he was still close to me. 

"I don't like you! I don't like bad guys and i don't even know you"

"You'll know who i am" he said and came closer to me with his face but he stopped when voices interupted him.

"Wow! Look at him! He already has a girl" we looked to one direction and saw the rest of his gang.

"She's pretty right?" He smirked at me. I frowned and pushed him away. I glared at him and walked away.

"Wait" he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"I want to introduce you to my friends" he said. What? His friends!?

"I don't want to know them, i'm sure their even bad as you" i said coldly and tried to jerk my arm away.

"We aren't that bad, beauty" the tallest spoke and his gang came closer to me. They weren't smiling nor smirking. They just had a poker face, Jhope was the only one with a smirk.

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