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Eridan and Sollux were playing video games in Sollux's hive when the yellow blood's husktop dinged.
"Heh. Figures. I wwas jus' aboat to beat you." Eridan smirked and looked over.
Instead of getting an angry psionic like he was expecting he got a sick looking troll.
"2hut the fuck up ED." Sollux slammed his husktop shit and hastily pulled his shoes on.
"Wwhere ya going? I wwas gonna beat you."
Eridan knew something was wrong when he used his full name. "I'm coming too."
"Kay." Sollux ran down the path, Eridan hot on his heels.
Sollux threw open the door to Karkat's hive and bolted up the stairs.
He rattled Karkat's door before pounding on it. "KK Ii know you're iin there!"
"Kar wwhat's goin' on?"
There was silence. Sollux's head was pressed against the door. He was crying.
Eridan heard the click of a gun and suddenly realized what was going on. Grabbing Sollux's horns he rammed the yellow blood's head into the door. His eyes sparked and he screamed in pain. He did it again and a thick red-blue laser beam blew the door down.
Karkat dropped the gun, turning to them. Eridan dropped the psionic and ran forward, hugging Karkat.
Karkat fought him, screaming and crying but eventually gave in, clutching Eridan's shirt in his fists.
Eridan held him as he rocked back and forth on his feet.
"Wwhy Kar...?" Eridan asked after some time had passed.
"I'll alwways make time for you..."

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