Chapter 3

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Evelyn's handmaids entered her room around the eighth stroke of the clock. She had been awake long before that, though.

"Happy Birthday, Your Highness" Helda greeted her. Evelyn rubbed the sleep from her eyes and muttered her thanks.

They bathed her and scrubbed her down with a jasmine scrub, a lemon hair tonic was used to wash her hair. They dried her and powdered her face, then lined her eyes with a thin line of black kohl. Her hair was tied up into a braided crown.

"Your hair won't tangle much before tonight" Alannah had claimed. Evelyn noticed the heavier makeup and tighter corset Alannah wore today, and Evelyn knew exactly why Alannah was accentuating her figure.

Just after the stroke of nine, Seventh entered the room in full armour - the handmaids were still there and her chamber would likely be busy all day. He didn't say anything to her, that was forbidden - at least in the presence of others- but she could feel his eyes burning a hole in her head, watching her and monitoring her to see how she was handling the events of last night. Evelyn dismissed the maids, requesting time alone to calm her nerves and once they were gone and she was certain they couldn't hear, she spoke.

"Did you find anything?" He had said he would try to find who planted the book there yesterday and Evelyn hoped he had succeeded.

"I questioned the guards outside your chambers, asked if anyone had been by whilst you were in the library. Apparently, nobody came by." She turned and looked at him and he saw the question written on her face. Evelyn's chambers were on the highest floor of the castle, nobody could get in from outside and the only entrance was through her heavily guarded door.

"I also checked outside and the windows to see if someone had climbed it somehow. And I checked to see if there were any more secret entrances." Evelyn didn't like this one bit. Somebody knew something secret, wanted her to know or start digging into it, and that somebody had found a way into her chambers without been noticed. she went and sat on her bed heaving a sigh.

"Who exactly came into my chambers yesterday? Who has permission?" It wasn't directed at him, she was asking herself. Seventh spoke her thoughts out loud, though.

"Other than yourself and I just His Majesty, The Queen and the maids in a morning. It wasn't the maids, though. I monitor them when they are here," Evelyn didn't care to think in what manner he monitored them, both maids were honourable women and paid handsomely. They wouldn't steal for money, they daredn't. Helda had served the royal family since before even the Queen was born and Alannah was beautiful. She had black hair and sapphire eyes and a smooth oval face. Her body had a womanly shape despite being just a year older than Evelyn, and Alannah knew she was beautiful. Alannah was a close friend of Evelyn's a few years past, but now her efforts were poured into trying to catch the attention of any young handsome Lord who visited. Her favourite was another of Evelyn's closest friends. She couldn't blame Seventh if he found her appealing.

"We will worry about it some other time. I want to go get some fresh air" Evelyn said as she rose.

"But we can not-" Evelyn interrupted him.

"In the gardens Seventh. I can barely go through the forest in a floor length dress now can I?" she grinned and left the room. Seventh replacing his helm and following her three paces behind.

It was a beautiful day out, the sky was a clear blue and all around birds were singing. Evelyn found a grass dune and sat down on it, seventh sat a little higher up. Today was especially busy. Everyone was excited about the party and all the courtiers were busy with last minute flirtations.

"Do you think something bad is going to happen?" she asked Seventh without turning to look at him.

"What do you mean?" he asked, his words bouncing off the inside of his helm.

"Last night. It's like you said. Somebody wanted me to find that room and the picture. And the air today" she shook her head "I feel something bad is coming. Everything is about to change" He didn't reply and she knew that he felt it too. A strange sense of foreboding. She laid back against the hill looking up at the sky. And she felt Seventh look down on her.

"I feel it too, " he stopped mid-sentence and Evelyn heard footsteps approaching.

"tut-tut. You, good knight, are not supposed to have a voice. It screws up the illusion." it was a bright, mischievous voice "But I won't tell, I do believe my dear friend has grown to enjoy your company" Evelyn grinned widely and stood up. She ran into the arms of the man and they hugged tightly.

"Lukas! I didn't think you were coming," Evelyn said. She hadn't seen Lukas all week and presumed he was remaining in Zios training the soldiers. Zios was situated to the north of Dasakai and was at least a months travel from the castle.

"To your 18th? I wouldn't miss it." Lukas was Evelyn's closest friend and was like a brother to her. He was also the friend Alannah had her eyes on and Evelyn knew the twenty-two year old had indulged in the maid. If Lukas was anything it was a ladies man. His golden blonde hair and pale skin commanded attention. As did his high set features and green eyes.

Seventh watched the scene occurring in front of him. He had stood as soon as Evelyn did. He didn't trust Lukas. He never had. The young Lord Vollands was secretive and cunning. His appearance was ever so conveniently after the events of last night. His instincts told him to keep an eye on the young Lord, that he carried dark secrets and was dangerous.

"I have a gift for you," Lukas said as he pulled out a necklace with an emerald pendant on it. as he put it on her he said,

"I wanted a diamond but the mines were just full of emeralds, but I think green suits you better anyway. I must be off, save me a dance tonight." he winked and was gone. A gust of wind blew and Seventh caught scent of Lukas. He couldn't usually smell a thing inside the armour but that scent... It was familiar and Seventh wracked his brain trying to place it.

Seventh looked at the necklace around Evelyn's throat. The young princess was visibly pleased, and Seventh knew in that moment who it was who had planted the book in Evelyn's parlour. He also knew why.

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