Chapter 4

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Helda and Alannah had just left the room with big smiles on their faces - clearly happy with the work they had done. The princess was stood in front of her vanity mirror and Seventh knew that if it was possible she would be sat on her bed. But it wasn't possible. There were at least 6 layers of petticoats underneath her ridiculously puffy lavender ball gown. She heaved a sigh before turning around and behind his helm Seventh stifled a chuckle. She looked pretty. Her blonde hair was left down in loose curls and various bits of hair were brought back and looped around in big twists. Her makeup was heavier than usual and the pale powder made her green eyes seem that much deeper. But she didn't look like Evelyn, she looked like someone else, and Seventh knew that she was thinking of that too, he saw it in her eyes when she caught her reflection the first time.

"This is ridiculous," she said. He didn't respond, It was too busy outside the room.

"I'm taking a few of the petticoats off," Seventh turned towards the door to give her privacy. He wasn't allowed to be with her in any state of undress. That's what Helda and Alannah were for.

"No!" she shouted, "If you go out there they will know I'm taking some off, and mother told them the more I complained the more layers to put on".

He raised his arms slightly as if to ask what he should do then and the princess responded by twirling her finger, telling him to just turn around. So he did. He thought back to Lukas. Whilst Helda and Alannah were tending to her, he had questioned some of the only guards he was permitted to speak to, and they had all said the same thing. The King had sent a platoon of guards to personally escort Lukas to the castle from Penkurth, a town to the west. That meant he couldn't have been here to plant the book in the parlour. Despite that, his instincts were telling him Lukas was the culprit.

Half an hour later she was outside the ballroom, Seventh three paces behind her. They would have been earlier but Evelyn had forgotten Lukas' necklace and ran back. Seventh had waited outside the chambers. The doors opened and the royal announcer announced her entrance

"Her Royal Highness, Heir to the throne of Dasakai, daughter of his Imperial Majesty and conqueror or the continent of Amadora, Princess Evelyn Valorian".

All the guests were already at the party, and all were awaiting her. The ballroom was probably the fanciest room in the castle. The floor was white, and somehow always remained that way. It had a black strip running the length of the room to the Obsidian throne her father sat on at the end, upon a dais. There were twelve tall white pillars with gold vines wrapping around them, six on either side of the room, they separated the wide main floor from the narrower sides where the food table stood and many guests would spend the night. The windows ran from the floor to the ceiling and then the length of the room, and a giant crystal chandelier centred the room. Evelyn made her way down the black strip towards her parents - both of whom were sat on their thrones. Seventh remained 3 paces behind her as usual. Evelyn kept her head high and tried to make the walk look more she was gliding, but she had always struggled with walking like a royal. All around, guests were staring at her - some with awe, some with lust, some with envy - and some even bowed as she walked past.

As she reached the dais she noticed her father's expression. He was staring at her. He looked angry and ready to kill something. Had he and mother had a fight? Or was it to do with the kingdom? She bowed before her father, as did Seventh who had walked until he was stood beside her. The dais consisted of the Obsidian throne and two smaller thrones made of pearl situated either side of the Obsidian throne. The Kingsguard were assembled on the stairs - three to the left and three to the right. They were all on different steps and Evelyn could feel their eyes monitoring the room and scanning everything.

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