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This is a new story!! Woo!!

Basically in this story Mark is 22 with a career as a undercover cop.

Jack is 19 with wealthy parents and is a major in art at a fancy and expensive university.

Also, I tell you about Jack's dorm in this chapter but I don't go into details really so if you want to see what I imagine the rooms in Jack's dorm then I'll attach the images at the bottom.



Jack grinned as he finally finished decorating his new dorm. He had paid a bit extra to get a good room.

It was on the top floor, meaning it not only had a balcony, but also had a lot more room than the rest. Two normal dorms equaled about what his did.

Instead of the normal small dorms that were open planned all around like a studio apartment, his rooms were mainly separated by four walls and he had basically done up the entire place. It had taken a month, but he was finally somewhat pleased with it.

Almost every room had a white theme to it. Whether it was aztec and white, black and white, or gold and white. Jack just loved the pleasing feel of white, no matter how hard it was to clean.

The young Irishman smiled as he grabbed a book from his in home library. His library was in the original dining room that was connected to the lounge and kitchen. He didn't really need the extra seating so he just made it into a library with a seat in it.

He had also decorated the balcony very minimal since it was small. A couple outdoor chairs, a table, some small, fake potted plants and some fairy lights did fine for his decorating preferences.

He read the title of the book in his head before deciding to get a bit of air today. He quickly grabbed his phone and slid it into his black jeans before walking out the door.

He pressed the lobby button on the elevator, waiting for it to ding twice and the doors to open. He stepped out, smiling lightly at the filming kids surrounded in the lobby. Matt smiled at Jack, pointing to his paper.

Jack nodded, walking over. "Hey!" Matt exclaimed, surprised that Jack was out of his room for once. "Wanna help me out? All you gotta do is stand there and answer a few questions about the art classes."

Jack agreed, obviously alright with helping his friend. "We're here with Jack Mcloughlin, an art major. So, Jack, what are the pros and cons of art classes?"

"Well, the pros of art classes are obviously learning techniques to better yourself in art skills. Like learning to measure and shading. There's also meeting people who have similar interests or people who may be able to help you learn different ways to do things. Cons would have to be, depending on how many art classes you're taking, there's a lot of hard assignments." Matt smiled lightly at him as he explained, nodding lightly. "It's not something that you should just take for fun. There's a lot of times where you'll have four projects in the same night that all take a few hours to do." Matt thanked him before Jack was walking away from the filming students.

"Hey Jack!" Jack's head turned to smile at Felix who stood beside a car. "How're you today?" He continued, his notebook held in his hand.

"I'm good, thank you." Jack smiled lightly as he kept walking. "How're you?" He asked as he was about to pass him.

Felix's eyes flickered before he forced a smile again. Jack noticed, his smile dropping a bit before he pepped back up. "I'm fine, thanks!" He nodded lightly before passing him, waving lightly.

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