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Over the next few weeks, Mark and Jack had seen each other a few times. Mark had come up to Jack's dorm so many time that he now had multiple pair of clothes there.

"Jack?" He called quietly from the guest bed. He soon got up, looking around the kitchen to see a note.


I had an early class at 9 this morning. I'll be back at noon. Help yourself to anything and text me if you need anything.

Jackaboy xx

Mark sighed but lightly smiled before he looked around. He looked at Jack's art office door curiously. Staring for a second, he walked towards it to open it.

The red head walked in, looking at the art half of the room. "Woah." He whispered as he saw all the projects laid across the desk and wall.

He looked at them for a while longer before deciding to leave. He laid down on the couch, turning on the TV to something random.

Jack walked into his front door, noticing the man asleep on his couch. He smiled lightly as he walked to the table in the hallway.

He quietly set his bag on the shelf of the table before putting his keys in the bowl. Walking over to the couch, he bent down. "Mark?" He asked quietly, his hand coming to run through the red hair.

"Hm?" He hummed back, and Jack smiled at his sleepy action.

"Do you have to work tonight?" The elder shook his head lightly, and Jack's hand ran down the side of his head. "Do you wanna go lay down in a bed?"

Mark nodded lightly, soon sitting up. "Can you lay with me?" He asked Jack, who smiled and told him yes.

"I'm just going to go change real quick, okay?" Mark hummed as he laid down in Jack's bed, covering up and rolling towards the center of the bed.

Jack walked to his closet across the room, walking in a few steps before opening a drawer. He grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt before he threw them on.

He climbed into bed with the red head, running his hand through his hair lightly as he watched him sleep. "Come here." Mark mumbled as he pulled him closer by his hips.

Jack's head landed on his chest before his eyes closed as well, listening to Mark's heartbeat against his ear.

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