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Jack unlocked his dorm room, stepping aside to let Mark go first. "Woah, this is nice." The elder complimented, hearing the younger thank him before walking in.

He shut the door, setting his keys in the bowl beside the door before he walked to the living room. "Oh, I forgot my paints and stuff were out. Sorry."

Mark waved it off as Jack started picking them up. He watched as the green haired man opened a door beside the living room TV. He walked in, pulling a drawer open before starting to lay the paints into it. "So you're an art major, I'm guessing."

Jack nodded, turning to look at Mark. "Yeah, second year." He closed the door, smiling lightly as he picked the multiple books up off of the coffee table. "It's a mess. I just finished decorating and putting everything in the right spot this morning so my books are still everywhere."

"So you really like to read, then?" The younger nodded, setting the books on top of the stack across the room on the floor. "How many books do you think you own?"

"More than one hundred by a long shot." Mark's eyes widened but he smiled and nodded. "So, enough about me. Why're you on campus."

"I'm an undercover cop. I've got a suspect on campus to look after without her knowing." Jack looked around to see if there was anything that shouldn't be out. "Nothing is wrong here, that I know of." Mark spoke up and Jack smiled lightly.


They spent the next few hours talking about themselves and getting to know each other before Mark stood up. "I've got to head out, but thank you for having me." Jack nodded, standing up with him to walk him out. "Could I get your number, in case I need any information about that girl or something."

Jack smirked, quickly catching onto his lie but he still nodded, and they exchanged numbers.

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