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Jack knocked on his dorm door, walking in after Mark opened it. Matt followed suit, setting his second pcounter. He sat down with his laptop, opening it to an editing software. "Thanks, Jacka."

Jack nodded, smiling lightly. "You guys can sit." Jack told Ken and Ryan, motioning to the couch. "I'm just gonna go get my painting from the porch." Mark nodded, sitting down on the corner of the sectional couch.

Jack walked to the balcony, grabbing the painting before shutting the door again, closing the curtains on the inside of the door. He walked past the couch to the art office.

He opened the door, walking in before laying the painting against the wall. Ryan and Ken sat down on the couch on the opposite side of the couch as Matt.

Jack sat down beside Mark and Matt. "Oh, this is Jack and Matt by the way. This is Ken and Ryan." Mark spoke up, and everyone began to talk to each other.

Well everyone but Matt. Jack kept glancing over at the boy who was continuing to edit the video he was working on.

Jack stood up, grabbing his laptop before walking towards his office with it. He put it on his desk before he closed the door. "Don't argue, just be social."

Mark looked up as Jack sat back down, his arm coming to wrap around his back lightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2016 ⏰

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