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Monday, September 21st, 2013

Julia’s  POV

I put my Ipod to play in random and start my morning walk, after some songs, For The First Time by The Script started to play, this song always makes me reflect about my life, my last relationship actually. I was totally out the earth when I heard something like a car horn…

…I wake up in a white room, I looked around me to see where I was and I saw a guy on the couch asleep, who is this guy? I tried to get up but I failed.

“Ouch” - I mumbled, immediately the guy who was asleep woke up.. 

“Oh thank god! You’re awake” – He said

“Sorry wake you up! What happened? What am I doing here?” – I said confuse

“I was riding to my house when you appeared in front of me and I didn’t had chance to break it” – He put one hand in his face – “It was totally my fault, I’m so sorry”

“It was your fault at all” – I said trying to look out the window – “ "How long have I've been here?"”

“7 hours” – He said checking his phone. – “I’ll be right back”

Minutes later he came back with the doctor. He did some exams before left the room, the guy sat back in the couch and took a phone from his pocket, he dialed a number and start to talk to someone. “Yeah man, I know, I will explain everything to you guys” – He said – “I’ll call you all later, I really can’t talk right now, okay, cya”

The Doctor walked in the room with some papers in his hand. – “You’re fine, nothing to worry about” – He said checking the papers – “Also you are free to go, your boyfriend just need to pick your stuff up” – Wait, my boyfriewhat? I thought. Then they left the room again.

He came with my clothes and my IPod and handed to me.

“I will ride you home, if you don’t mind I’ll stay this night with you just to take care of you.” – He said – “By the way, my name is Eric” – He giggled.

I nodded and he put his arm around me and helped me to get in the car. 

“You don’t talk too much, huh?” - He said

“Headache” – I said looking by the window

“Oh sorry" – He apologized  – “Hope you feel better”

"Thank you" 

The rest of the ride went in silence, he turned the radio on and sang some songs. Actually he has a great voice. – I thought. About 10 minutes later we were finally in front of my home.

He parked the car and before left the car he asked – “Sorry! I didn’t get the chance to ask you your name”

“It’s Julia” – I gligged.

Eric made us dinner, after I ate I left him in the living room and went to my room, showered and went back to the living room. I wasn’t worried about Eric in my house, he seemed a good guy and he helped me a lot since the accident. 

We watched some movies together, we get to know each other better. After 3 movies I fell asleep.

Eric’s POV 

Julia fell asleep in my arms,  I carried her to her bedroom and made my way back to the living room. I still have to call the guys, to explain what happened and why I didn’t come to the rehearsal. so I picked my phone and dialed Anthony’s – he is my bestfriend and band mate – number.

“Hey buddy” – Anthony answered –“Where have you been?”

“Hey, long story." - He interrupted me - "Tell me" - He said - "So I was going to home and a girl-“ he interrupted me again - “Hmm, then you’ve decided to skip our rehearsal and have fun” – He said laughing

“Anthony. Stop, this is serious” 

“Okay, so tell me what happened” – He stopped joking

“This girl. She was crossing the street and I did not have the chance to break it” – I said – "Damn, is she okay?" - He asked worried

“Yeah, I took her to the hospital, when I called Thomas she has just woke up, the doctor thought I was her boyfriend and told me to watch her this night. So I did” 

"So you're with her?"

“Yes, She is in her room sleeping and I’m in the living room watching TV” – We talked for a few minutes and then I went to bed, I mean, to couch. 

I watched some movies trying to sleep, but my friend insomnia was making me company. I decided to go see if she was awake or if she needs something but she was like a bear hibernating.

 Julia’s POV  

I woke up to some noises in the kitchen, I walked to see what it was and then I saw Eric, the stranger guy, cooking us breakfast, that really creeped me out.

We spent some hours talking, watching TV. He asked if I want to go out to lunch and we made our way to his house to him change his clothes. 

Eric’s POV  

After lunch I took Julia to her house.

“So, I guess you don’t need me anymore.” I said laughing

“I guess so, thank you” She said smiling. “I mean, you didn’t have to do that but you did, I don’t know if another person would do that for a stranger, so thank you again”

“You don’t need to thank me, just forgive me for what I did” – I said taking my phone from my pocket 

“Can I have your number?” I asked

“Sure!” – She gave me her number and I called it for her to save mine.

“So, bye, hope to see you soon” 

“Bye” – She waved and walked to her door.

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