It's A Love/Hate Thing, Honey Chapter 13

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Stephen, Why are you so angry? For some reason, my body started to shake with fear a bit. Remember what I said (Chapter 1) that when Stephen's angry. I mean... REALLY angry. He's scary... like a different person, someone you can't recognise.


I can tell that he's in a bad mood. Best not to make him mad than he already is. It would be like adding oil on fire.

Seth had his idiotic love sick puppy look on his face to Celine as she glared at him with her arms crossed and stamping her foot on the ground angrily, not really angry but more of a pissed off preggo lady.

Now that I think about it, Seth never made that face to anyone before. It's like a new, nice, kind, caring and loving guy now. I'm amazed by that. She really changed him that much when he's tough to crack. She must be important to him. At least special. Seth said something to her but she ignored him and turned to look at us. Revenge time is starting already.

[ ~ * Flashback * ~ ]

In the restuarant with Celine

We laughed and talked about random things though we were strangers with only Seth connection... after the long talk, I lifted my drink and drank it, give a small gulp and then I looked up nervously, "Um... Can you do me a favor?"

She raised her eyebrow as she rubbed her huge tummy, "Sure..."

I sighed with a bit relief but I'm not done yet, "You know. When we went out two years ago-" I looked down with a painful feeling squeezing my heart... Should I tell her? Should I not?... I continued, "He did something unforgivable to me..."

She frowned a bit, "What did he do to a cute girl like you?!" hahah, she's like a best friend worrying for a friend though we only just met. It's nice to know that she's caring towards a stranger like me.

I laughed nervously. I was so sure that the laugh just now had an invisible pain, "Just three weeks after going out with him, He... um... He had a bit of trouble with our teacher...back then.."

"A trouble?... Hmm.. I wouldn't be surprised if he had a bad personality. What kind of trouble??..."

I laughed again, painfully remembering the scene of his evil face and Stephen's shocking face, "Well... um.. He.. um.. had a bit of drug problem...and blamed it on me that got me suspended from my school for two weeks of rehab. I still went out with him after that time, I was labelled as the 'Druggie'..." I lied and then silence took over the atmosphere as my worries began to increase... will it affect her?!, "I-It's not that i'm asking you to leave him because of his past but i was wondering if you could help me get a bit of revenge of what he did do me at that time." Her face was fill with blankness that made me think if I'm getting carried away.

Surprisingly, she agreed, "Okay, I'll help you..." she smiled, "Geez, even though he's my fiancée, he would do something like that..." her tone of voice had no negative emotion, "Although, the drug thing..."

It's A Love/Hate Thing, Honey Series 1 - Highschool  [COMPLETE!]Where stories live. Discover now