It's A Love/Hate Thing, Honey Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 is heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerreeeeee!! ^0^

This chapter is soooo cute! You'll luurrrrvveeee it!!

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I never mentioned this in the last chapters except chapter 17 but the voting limitation will be: 350 votes!!

Enjoy reading!!! :D



Jealous or not, does it really matter?


~ Leah's voiceover~

-Apparently, to Stephen, it does!

Pfft, he's done it countless times.. He should know it doesn't work on me..

-He knows but you... You are soo heartless! Poor Stephen!

I ignored my stupid voice.. She likes to exeggarate, so what's the use in listening?

-Oi! Watch it, girl! It's not like I like being your voiceover!

Whatever, next class is starting.. Gotta go! I went to my next class. My most favourite lesson in the world!! ART! Yahooooo! I went in and sat on my usual seat with Kylie Should I ask her?? Hmm.. I really should.

"Hey, Kylie" I whispered. Kylie leaned her ear to me, "Do you.. um.. know any good books about pregnancy?" I whispered as low as I can..

"Sure.. I can lent you some tomorrow.." Kylie smiled. I sighed with relief, I'm glad she didn't asked why!

My art teacher is female came in the room and her name is, Alicia Parker Most of us call her Alicia and a very few of us call her Miss Parker. I like her and you will know why... When Alicia went in, holding books close to her chest. She wore a very serious face that made me laughed a bit inside. Hahah.. When she reached to her table and faced to all of us. She slamped her books down loud that startled everyone but me. I smiled, "What's wrong, Alicia?" I asked.

She looked at me as she glared. My smile grew wide as I asked again.. Know what her answer was?...

She pouted like a kid, "This morning, my brother ate my last piece of cheesecake that I saved yesterdaaaay~" She whined. Everyone was silent and then a 'pfft' sound came out of someone's mouth. Everyone burst out laughing! At least, this is what makes this lesson fun. Hahah. I seriously like her personality! Hahah. "Poor you, Alicia" I laughed, "Maybe sketching will cheer you up?" everyone agreed and Alicia's face lightened up with joy as she nodded, "Okay, class! Today's lesson will be about your future! Everyone can draw inside or outside!"

Everyone whooped as they went out with their drawing tools and notepad. This happens in every art lesson. Going out during art lesson isn't why I love art. Well.. that might why I love it but I love it cuz drawing something is my way of expressing every bits of feeling inside me! That's why I love it!

Kylie and I packed up our drawing tools and drawing pad with us and walked out of the class, "Hey, Kylie. What are you going to draw?" I asked as I opened the door. We went out of the building and walked down the path the leads to wide and greeny grass field...

"Hmm. I guess I have to draw my future self.Hmm.. as a Forensic Scientist" Kylie laughed.. we went to sit on the dry grass. Birds flew by over us as the cool breeze blew that freshen our lungs clean.

"Cooool.. Hmm...I wonder what I should draw?" I said, tapping my lower lip lightly with my pencil and looking up in the sky. The light silver clouds, that looked so soft and fluffy, slowly moved gracefully towards the east. I watched it as I wondered, how I should draw my future. I looked down, getting tired of looking up with the sun beaming down on us. I looked around, still wondering what to draw and one thing caught my eye. There in the big, old, and grey buliding, I saw Stevie boy through the window, dozing off that made me laugh quietly..

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