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Black Boy Joy

It was contagious
His smile, was contagious
It stretched from ear to ear
and showed off his imperfect teeth
It crinkled his eyes and his eyes
Oh his eyes, his deep chocolate eyes
were filled with joy

Genuine joy
Momma made Apple pie joy
I got an 'A' on a exam I didn't study for joy
Got cool new kicks joy
I'm fresh out the shower joy
I paid off my bills joy
I just met this girl joy
It was black boy joy

A joy that you desperately wanted
A joy you wanted with him
A joy though so great, you had to wonder why

No frown like the other guys
No acting tough but deep down soft
No playing superhero

Nothing but happiness
graced his black features
Nothing but admiration
graced mine in return

Just pure intelligence
When he spoke, he took his time
He spoke with accuracy and depth
His voice like a symphony
His words held passion and expression

When I asked him
He simply said
"Why put up a front when
you can be happy all the time?"

I agreed with him.



I got the inspiration for this poem while looking at pictures of Chance The Rapper at the VMA's this year. He is one of my all time favorite artists because of his humility ,creativity, activism, joyful vibe, and he is just the most adorable person ever. Have you seen his kit-kat commercial?! Extremely cute omg!!!!

I encourage you to listen to his music if you haven't already and maybe even watch his interview on HOT 97, to learn more about him. I promise even if you don't like his music, you'll like him as a person & everything he does for the black community.

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