I stand with Kaepernick

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I Stand With Kaepernick

Take a knee.
In honor of a flag that
Gives me the freedom to,
Take a knee

In honor of a country that was built by my people
Scarring the backs of my people with whips
Because they refuse to work in the sun

A country that wasn't meant for us
A country that swears on God
But with the same breath
brings down men and woman of color
Picks up a gun and points it at my people
Innocent people

In honor of country that sends its people to war
Then leaves them homeless on the side of the road
Leaves them to struggle with affects you can't see
Leaves them with open eyes but missing limbs
Open eyes of the times they killed
because they were told to
Not knowing they killed
Innocent people

Take a knee.
In honor of a flag
That gives me liberty
But pushes my people into ghettos
And takes our fathers
And our money
Then asks us why we're angry

Take a knee.
In honor of a flag that....
Wait, it does not give me justice!
Because of the color that graces my skin
My justice is denied when
Stopped and killed by police
For just wearing a black hoodie
For getting a can of Arizona
and walking at night
For trying to help an autistic man
For selling cigarettes
For running a stop light

So for these reasons
When the anthem bellows from these speakers
When the red, white, and blue blows in the wind
When hands are placed over hearts,
Until these injustices are no longer
I must
Take a knee.



Do you stand with Kaepernick, why or why not?

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