Mom Knows Best.

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*Vanessa's P.O.V*


My heart pounded in my chest as I ran to Sophia's house. I'm not sure whether it was an adrenaline rush, excitement or fear that was making my heart beat so fast. But I know one thing for sure, it's because I'm unfit.

"Just a few more blocks," I huffed to myself "and you'll be there." The butterflies in my stomach haven't left from the moment I saw Mike, and I just had to tell someone all the excitement.

Turning the corner, the thought of his lips being so close to mine ran through my mind and a small smile crept on to my face. How can a guy, so bad - in a way - make me feel so good? It's almost a foreign feeling nowadays to be this happy. "It really does feel like a dream." I mumbked to myself. Sophia's place finally came to view and I sprinted the last few meters there and knocked. "Soph! Are you home? Please please please please please be!" I continued to knock forever until a figure came into view through the glass door, and swung open.

"Woah what's up V-"

"I wanna be with Mike."


"Wait, are you okay?" I stepped past Sophia and took a deep breath, swiveling on the heels of my feet to face her. My smile was so wide, and my heart was beating so fast, I honestly felt as if I was going to die. "This is crazy, I know. But with everything that has been going on between Mike and I, it was literally me being stupid. It shouldn't have carried out for so long because seriously, we are grown adults and-"

"I knew that already! But what's new! What's changed your mind?" Sophia's words were rushed, impatient but excited and my smile relaxed a little.

"Okay so there was a fight down near the music store, and it was between Dylan and Mike. It was Dylan who started it and mom, dad and I walked past and saw it all happened. Anyway we dragged Dylan away and I felt terrible because I just felt like this was my fault. Dylan and I had an argument at the car, and I left to go back and find Mike. Asked a few fans where he was, and he was at the hospital. Contemplating whether or not I should go see him, I did and it was abit awkward at first. But then we walked down to the pier and talked abit and then I apologised and he said he liked me!" I paused to suck in a deep breath as I was running out of air rushing everything. "I wanted to say he couldn't like me cause I'm stupid, but I said it back and he was happy and I was happy and Sophia," I paused stepping closer to her and grabbing her hands. "I'm sick of not living anymore. I do deserve better, and Dylan just doesn't make me happy anymore." Tears welled up in her eyes and she gave me a closed mouth smile.

"I really, really have the urge to say...I TOLD YOU SO!" She jumped back throwing her arms up in the air, her hands forming handguns and shooting the air. "I knew you and your thick brain would finally figure this out! Gah, finally!" I shifted my weight to one leg and crossed my arms whilst I watched her dance around like a mad man. "But no honestly, I'm glad you've finally noticed it." She stepped back to me and gave me a hug. "Me and Matt were betting on when you would finally realise, and I guess I lost."

"Hey!" I stepped back and punch her in the arm. "Not cool!" She laughed and waved her hand around whilst heading to the kitchen.

"I'm only kidding, how about a celebration dinner? Lasange? " I grinned and clapsed my hands together.

"Fuck yeah!"


My phone buzzed in my pocket, signalling I had gotten a text.

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