Chapter 2: Breath of the Swords!

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        I narrowed my eyes at Sparkie, wondering what kind of person she was. She either got sick in the head or she just simply was born like this. Either way, She was powerful enough to take down an entire city including taking down  a few level 2's Akuma without taking any damage to herself.  

         Sparkie launched herself at Allen first which his arm turned green around his shoulder to activite his Innocence. He blocked the attack, only to be blasted back onto his back. Sparkie had used some kind of force with the skin onto him. Allen got up quickly, trying to block  and dodge every move Sparkie had  thrown at him. Without Hestiation, I moved forward with my sword  in front of me. I swinged at her which she back flip away from my attack. She then sliced through the air with the skin, sending an invisible force at me. I tried to block it in which my price was payed. I was sent into the air but I landed on my feet perfectly.

      "Tsk, Wait your turn," Sparkie said to me. She turn to look at Allen who came at her. She quickly taken the damage and in return she increased her force on him. Allen was  forced back, landing on the ground hard. He slowly gotten up.

    "She's too strong," Allen said.

   "Not really," I replied, launching again at Sparkie. This irratited her because she moved out of the way. Sparkie then  jumped onto the roof, narrowing her eyes at me.

   "I told you to wait your turn," Sparkie said. "Since you wouldn't listen to me, might as well use my special move on you."

     She twirled the skin at us, muttering under her breath. Without warning, the entire ground exploded from  whatever forces she used. I  jumped into the air, getting sliced on my right arm and on my cheek. Allen also moved out of the way. We quickly landed onto a nearby roof. Allen changed his arm into a cannon, shooting at Sparkie who did the move again.

       "Hisaye!" Allen shouted. "Watch out!"

      At the same moment, he said that, Sparkie had moved  behind me and force me forward into the attack. My eyes grew wide as I went forward. My hands went forward as  it blocked my face from the attack I went into. My eyes went closed. I thought I would feel pain going through my body like before yet it didn't came.  The only pain that came was hitting the ground.

     My eyes curled open to reveal someone in front of me. Kanda! He seemed to blocked the attack from me and taken the damage for me. Why the hell did he do that for? We both know that I don't take people being helpful that easily  and here he was doing so.

     "Kanda!" I shouted at him as I gotten to my feet. "What.... the hell are you doing here!?"

     "Same question I will ask you," Kanda answered. He turned his head to look at me. Blood was spilling from the cut on his cheek and arm.  He  raised up his sword at Sparkie who start laughing like it was nothing. Her arms were around her stomach as she bend forward of the laughter. 

     "Oh dear, two hateful people here in one spot," She said through her laughter.  Both Kanda and I narrowed our eyes at her.  She  straighten up, still laughing. The skin she was holding was thrown to the side, landing  some place in the shadows of the buildings. Her face started to twist as her smile widen from ear to ear. "It just takes a breath  to take you guys down."

        Sparkie's skin started to moved and growing. Her whoel body started to transform into something else. Her face stretch out out. In replacment of her face was shaped like a fan. Her hair had transform into muitple chains which moved every time Sparkie  made a movement. She had no eyes since one of the chains were in its place.  Her mouth  was wide open, showing the shark-like teeth. She was growing taller, towering over us like a gaint.

        "God damn..." Kanda mutters to himself as he looked up.  He launch himself at Sparkie who moved her head to throw the right side of her chains at him. Kanda moved onto it, running upward.  I followed soon afterwards with Allen on my heels.  The chains around us kept throwing us back over and over again. Each time we tried to get close, we got hit by one of the chains. 

       "Innocence Activite!" I shouted as I moved the cloth from the sword. It glowed brightly green as black tattoos on both of my arms glowed, becoming visible. I  went onto my tiptoes, slicing through the air with my sword. Kanda and Allen  launch their attacks at the same moment.  All our attacks combined, hitting into Sparkie. This, she flew back, exploding into pieces. Her scream pierces through the air, causing us to cover our ears.

      I flinch in pain when I moved my arms from my ears. Urgh.... not again! I looked down at my left arm which was stain with a scarlet red. I lower it to my side, still flinching to the left arm. A hand grabbed my left arm, lifting it up. Pain shot through my arm, once again. I looked up, keeping emotionless from the pain. Kanda was studying it with a cold look.

     "You need treatment fast," Kanda said. I moved my arm from his gripped when he didn't let go. 

    " I am.... fine," I said, turning away from him.

     "No your not," Kanda replied. He quickly moved in front of me, blocking my path. "If you were okay.... you wouldn't have your ears twitching...."

     I blinked, moving my right hand to my ear. Indeed, he was right. My ears were twitching like crazy. It happens all the time whenever I am not fine. This is why, I hate it when it happens.

    "How do.. you even know about it?" I asked, eyeing him carefully. My hand went  to my side.

    "I studied you when your not looking," He said. Kanda looks away, his cheek was glowing pink. I closed my eyes, having a faint smile play on my lips.

     "The great Samuri is blushing because....he was studying an ill girl like me," I answered. I could hear Allen gasped near me. "Now.... If you can move, I'll... be making my way over to report to the general."

    I open my eyes to watch as Kanda moved out of the way. I jumped to the ground, landing onto my feet. The air moved past my ear as a voice softly spoke into my air," It's not over yet... The breath of swords, you both shall die..."

      Once I had landed, I turn full speed around which I had to flinch under the pain of my left arm. Kanda and Allen had already moved out meaning they didn't say it. The voice was much lightier, almost like it was Sparkie's kind of voice. I shook my head, knowing she was died. But those words tugged at my mind as I went off.

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