More Than A Pretty Face

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Chapter 1

Now that I've known life with him.

I could never live without him.

I'm still not sure what it is that he does to me but I know that I never want it to end.

Maybe he's got me under a spell.

Maybe I'm just crazy.

Maybe I should start from the beginning of the story.

My name is Kira, I'm seventeen years old and I'm possibly in love with the most unlovable person alive. His name is Kaiden and he's the most obnoxious, frustrating and arrogant person I know.

All my life I've had a plan. School, university, get married, have kids and then grow old. Then Kaiden comes along and I'm not so sure about my life long list. I'm not sure about anything. How can one stupid boy change my whole life, forever?

I still have no idea.

* * * * *

"Hey Kira!" My best friend Amy called. She giggled when she saw that she'd caught my attention. "I have great news!" she squealed excitedly. "I know you're going to love it!"

I laughed and started walking over to her and a few of my other friends. "What is it A?"

She shrugged and pulled me down onto the seat beside her. "Well, do you remember that cute guy from the mall? Cody? You know the one with the hot accent?"

"What about him?" I asked trying not to roll my eyes. I had spotted him outside the food court the other day and I had sat there watching her flirt endlessly with him.

Amy nudged me with a cheeky grin. "Don't be like that K; he asked me out on a date!”

"That’s awesome A, why should this excite me though?" I sighed and looked at my hair. It hung down to the small of my back in long waves of platinum. I'd never had to dye it before.

“We’re going on a double date. It’ll be awesome.” She declared happily. “You can bring Jacob or someone maybe. Or a real date if you’d like.”

Amy’s hair was dead straight. She never straightened it but she liked it like that. It hung down just past her shoulders. Her hair used to be dark brown but two years ago she decided that it would be cool to go auburn. So ever since her long, straight hair has been a really nice auburn colour.

"Well I just wanted to let you know." She smiled. "The date is this Saturday, you're free right?"

I bit my lip nervously and sighed. "I have no idea what's happening. Grandmas supposed to be coming down for Elijah's birthday. Mums so not going to let me go if grandma’s there."

Amy rolled her eyes. "Oh come on you have to be there. Your gran is not going to miss you for like three and a half hours of the weekend. She's going to be there all weekend right?"

"Of course, I'll talk to mum tonight and see what she says. She might even let me go." I smiled and then got together all of my books and shoved them in my bag.

Amy sighed and nodded. "Okay, do you want me to come and help convince her?"

I shook my head and sighed. "I don't think that's such a great idea A, you know how my mother feels about begging. I think I'd be better off by myself."

She nodded and grinned. "Good point, so are we off to class now? Or do you want to skip?"

"Amy!" I giggled and stood up. "My mother would die if she even heard you say that." I rolled my eyes. "We're going to class, come on."

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