Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

This time it was different.

I was in a place so familiar I didn’t even have to question why I was there.

I was standing out the front of my school.

My blonde waves hanging down like they usually do and my face bearing just the right amount of makeup. Amy was sitting by my side with Cody and Jacob was sitting next to Cody talking about sport or something. Amy and I weren’t talking about anything interesting because my gaze was focussing on something else.

He was there. Staring back at me with the same almost black eyes and hard, scary expression, I wanted to look away but it was impossible. Amy tugged on my arm and I slowly turned my attention back to her.

“Why aren’t you listening to me? What are you looking at anyway?” She demanded peering past me curiously.

I bit my lip and pulled her back so that she couldn’t see the boy. “No don’t, it’s nothing.”

She frowned and stared at me for a second. “Why were you staring at the pond?”

I frowned and then turned back around to see that the boy was no longer leaning against the pole in the middle of the courtyard. I sighed in relief that Amy hadn’t caught me out. I shrugged. “I was just wondering why they don’t put fish in it.”

“That’s a really good question.” Amy launched into a speech about how they should take my advice and fill the ponds with fish but my mind was elsewhere.

I was still staring at the same boy.

At the same place by the pond.

For a second I wondered if I was imaging him but then he looked away bumped fists with another boy before looking back up at me, winking and turning back to Stefan.


Jacob pulled me back out of my day dream and smiled, he looked worried. “Kira are you okay?”

I blinked a few times and turned to the window of the car. Jacob had picked me up at eleven o clock and I promised my mother that I’d be back before five. I checked the clock in the car and sighed. It was only five past eleven which meant I hadn’t blacked out long. I just hoped Jacob hadn’t noticed exactly what was happening.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little tired I guess. I was up late talking to grandma. She’s staying an extra night now because she wants to take me out for ice-cream.” I rolled my eyes. “She still thinks I’m too little to be seen as an adult.”

Jacob chuckled and held my hand. “You’re grandma loves you.”

I nodded and smiled. “I know I like having her around sometimes. It’s better than mum I guess.”

Jacob nodded and we turned a corner. “You’re lucky to still have one of your grandparents around. Mine died soon after my dad was born and I’ve never met my mother’s parents.”

“I know I am. What happened to them anyway?” I asked him quietly.

“All I know is they died honourably. Going down with the family’s secrets.” He smiled. “Dad doesn’t talk about them much.”

“My mother’s parents live in England. I’ve met them once or twice but they don’t really like children. That’s why mother went to boarding school. Grandmother told me that my grandad died at war.” I told him and then gave a little chuckle. “I asked her which one and she’d just smiled and patted my hand softly, ‘he was fighting a war with himself. It was brutal child, an absolute tragedy.’”

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