Chapter 2: Trouble at Camp

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The car ride was very awkward, considering that I was in between Anna and Percy. I know that Anna thinks that Percy likes Rachel more than her, and she doesn't want to loose him. What she doesn't know is that Percy is to stupid to realize that. Or maybe she does, who knows.

Percy kept on trying to get her to talk to him, but she wouldn't let him. Sadly, I found out from Percy over break that Nico, the little guy I saw as my brother, ran away. And more importantly, that he's the son of Hades.

"Any word on Luke?" And now that sore subject. Great. Anna shook her head, I feel bad for her. I know that she had a crush on him, and now, well, she's just disappointed.

"Mount Tam is still overrun with monster. I didn't dare go close, but I don't think Luke is up there. I think I would know if he was." Anna said. A chill ran down my spine at the fact that we don't know where he is.

"What about Grover?" Percy asked about our other friend.

"He's at camp. We'll see him today."

"Did he have any luck? I mean, with the search for Pan?"

"You'll see." She then turned to me. "How was the rest of your school year?"

"Okay, I missed a lot of it because of the fact that I was petrified, so, yeah."

"What does petrified mean?" Percy asked.

"It means that she wasn't able to move."

"Why didn't you tell me about this!" Percy asked me.

"Because I knew that you would act like this, besides, I'm fine now." The conversation was dropped, and we then got dropped off at camp. The driver was hesitant to let us go when there is 'nothing' out here.

We got to the tree and saw a dragon guarding the fleece. I split away from Anna and Percy, and went to my cabin.

"Hi Lena." Katie treated me from the doorway.

"Hey, how was your school year?"

"Good, I guess you had a more interesting year. I would love to go to a school like that." She looked dreamily at the sky.

"It's not all fun and games. It's a lot of dangerous adventures. This year I was petrified by a Basilisk."

"That sounds...interesting." She left me after that. I unpacked my bag and ended up meeting with Anna and Clarisse. They brought me along to Grover's trial. We met up with another petite girl, with elfish face. Anna introduced her as Juniper, Grover's girlfriend. I didn't even know that he had a girlfriend.

We weren't allowed to speak to Grover before his trial.

"Meter Underwood!" A council member said, all of them are half goat. "Do you seriously expect us to believe this?" Grover believed that he knows that Pan is somewhere in the world.

"But I did. It's the truth." Grover stuttered.

The council all looked at each other in disbelief, but they all wishs for Pan to be back.

"Master Und rood, for six months, we have been hearing these scandalous claims that you heard the wild god Pan speak."

"But I did!"

"Impudence." The fight continued, Chiron interrupted many goats, and they talked about how Mr. D isn't there. I don't like paying attention during the summer. Well, until I'm on a quest. I guess then I should be paying attention.

I didn't have any problems getting to bed that night. It was easy to fall asleep.

The next morning, we had breakfast, and Lee Fletcher, who was on the night patrol, was telling the story about how they fought a monster.

I heard the stories about there going to be new war games besides capture the flag.

We ate dinner that night, and sitting at the table was okay, unjust wish that it was like our house tables. I think so far, I'm enjoying Hogwarts more than Camp Half-Blood.

"Right, gather around." Our new games keeper Quintus told us after dinner. "You will be in teams of two. Which have already been chosen!" Everyone complained. "Your goal is simple: collect the gold laurels without dying. The wreath is wrapped in a silk package, tied to the backs of one of the monsters. There are six monsters, each has a silk package. Only one hold the laurels. You must find the wreath before the other teams, and, of will have to slay the monster to get it, and stay alive."

All of us were excited for the game.

"I will now announce your partners. There will be no trading. No switching, no complaining." And the list started. Beckendorf with Silena Beauregard. The Stoll brothers. Clarisse with me. Percy with Anna. Finally, Grover with Tyson. Great pair considering that they two don't like each other.

"Come on Swan, we don't want any other team to beat us, right?" Clarisse asked me. I'm actually okay with her, she hasn't really been mean to me, only Percy.

"We headed further into the forest and around a thicket. We cut through the undergrowth and ended up in the middle of nowhere.

"Well, I doubt that anyone will be out here." I told Clarisse.

"Yeah, but the monsters probably won't be out here either."

"Maybe." I look around us and see that there is is no wind, but in the bushes to the right of us, there is a lot of movement. I change my dagger for my arrows, and shot into the bush. One of the giant scorpions came out and charged towards us.

"You take the back, I've got the front." I told her, she started charging away from me on my left. I know that she's thinking of tricking the monster. I start loading my bow with multiple arrows and shooting the monster.

Suddenly out of nowhere, Clarisse jumped up and cut off the tail, and the monster vaporized. We got the golden laurels. We ran back to the meeting point and Quintus, the new games person congratulated us. Eventually everyone came back. Well, everyone but Percy and Annabeth.

An hour later we decided that it would be a good idea to search for them. If they are dead, at least we'd hopefully be able to find their bodies then. We came around to a pile of rocks and we saw Percy and Anna thanks to the light of the torches.

"Where have you two been?" Clarisse demanded before anyone else could say anything.

"We've been looking forever." I added onto her.

"But we were only gone for a few minutes." Percy looked confused. I guess he got hit in the head or something.

"Where did you guys go?" I asked them suspiciously.

"We fell down a hole." Percy answered for both of them. "There were three scorpions after us, so we ran and hid in the rocks, but we were gone for a minute.

"No, you've been gone for about an hour. The game is over." Chiron answered.

"Yeah, we would've won, but a Cyclops sat on me." Grover said under his breath, but that didn't stop Tyson from hearing it.

"It was an accident!" Tyson sneezed as he protested.

"A hole?" Clarisse asked Anna in a suspicious voice.

"Chiron..maybe we should talk about this at the Big House." Anna suggested.

"You found it, didn't you?"

"I-Yeah. Yeah, we did."

"What did you find?" I asked, but Chiron raised his hand and everyone quieted down.

"Tonight is not the right time, and this is not the right place. All of you, back to your cabins. Get some sleep. A game well played, but curfew is past!" I rushed over to Clarisse and started to walk back with her.

"What did they find?" I muttered to her so no one would be able to know.

"The entrance to the Labyrinth." 

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