Chapter 8 The Summoning

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Our summoning took place after dark that night. The moon was full, with clouds covering the sky. It just added onto the creepy factor.

"Minos should be here by now." Nico said, disappointment lacing his voice. "It's full dark."

"Maybe he got lost." Quite honestly, it sounds like Percy is taunting him. Nico ignored him, and poured out the root beer into the pit. Then added the barbeque. After that was done, he started his chanting.

"Make him stop." Tyson whimpered, and I wanted to agree. The weird feeling that is stirring in my stomach is not going well. I lost any appetite that I thought I had.

Suddenly, shadowy human figures start to form near the edge of the pit. They start to move into the pit, wanting to get a taste of the food and drink.

"Stop them. Only Bianca is allowed to drink!" Nico says urgently. Percy and I unshield out weapons, and the shadows start to back away. Sadly, one slipped through. Nico recognized him though.

"Minos! What are you doing?" He asked, getting mad at him.

"My apologies, master." He doesn't sound sorry at all. "But the sacrifice smelled so good, I couldn't help myself. It's good to see myself again. Almost in solid form-"

"-you are disrupting the ritual!" Nico yelled angrily. "Get-"

"Yes, quite right master. You keep chanting. I only came here to protect you from these liars who deceive you." He sneered towards us. "My my. Percy Jackson, sons of Poseidon don't improve over the centuries do they."

"Ignore him Percy." I warned him, not wanting us to get a ghost pissed off at us.

"We're looking for Bianca di Angelo. Get out." Percy said, trying to contain his anger.

"I understand you killed a minotaur with your bare hands, but there are worse things that you will face in the maze." He taunted us. "Do you really believe that Daedalus will help you?"
The spirits started to get restless.

"Daedalus doesn't like demigods. You can't trust him, he's old, and crafty. He is bitter from the grief of murder." Well, from this, Daedalus doesn't sound like a great guy, but then again, Minos isn't good either.

"Guilt of murder?" Percy asked. "Who did he kill?"
"Don't change the subject!" Minos yelled angrily. "You are hindering Nico. You are stopping him from his goal. I will make him a lord!"

"Minos, enough!" Nico said, having enough to do with the ghosts nonsense.

"Master! These are your enemies. You must not listen to them." He said, turning to give us some dirty looks. "Let me protect you. Let me turn their minds to madness, like I did to the other ones." Wait...

"The others?" Anna asked before I could. "You mean Chris Rodriguez? That was you?" I could feel the anger fueling my emotions.

"The maze is my property, not Daedalus. Those who intrude deserve madness." This ghost is crazier than I thought.
"Be gone, Minos." Nico said angrily, stopping his chanting. "I want to see my sister."
The ghost king had no choice but to do as Nico said. "Yes master, but I do warn you to not trust these heroes. They can't be trusted."

Nico continued chanting, and then said "Bianca, appear." Nothing happened for a while.

"Anytime now." Grover said impatiently. Anna, Percy, and I kept on keeping the spirits away.

A silvery form had moved from the trees, and we let it pass. When it came out of the pit, it was in the form of Bianca.

"Hello, Percy." She greeted him first.

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