Baby Max Part 1

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Alec and Magnus have been up for days, their adoptive son Max has been having trouble sleeping lately. Alec and Magnus have tried everything, bottles, diaper changes, cuddling, everything. Isabelle comes charging in the door. She takes Max from Alec and begins rocking him. 

"It's ok Max. It's ok." She whispers to him over and over again. Max begins to calm down and fall asleep in Isabelle's arms. "He misses his mom." Isabelle says. "I'll watch him. You two get some sleep." She says. Alec tries to protest but Magnus puts his hand on Alec's shoulder, and Alec doesn't say another word. Alec and Magnus go into their room while Isabelle sits down on one of the rocking chairs in the living room. 


The next morning Clary comes over and helps Isabelle with Max and make breakfast because of course no one wants Isabelle in the kitchen. Magnus comes stumbling out of his bedroom, his hair a mess, no shirt on, no makeup or glitter on his face. He looks much better than he did when Isabelle first showed up, but he still looks pretty exhausted. 

"What's for breakfast biscuit?" Magnus asks. "Wait. Clary? When did you get here?"

"Not long ago. Breakfast is ready though." Clary says. Isabelle standing close by with Max in her arms. She's probably trying to learn a thing or to.

"Thank you." Magnus says. He sits down at the kitchen counter and Clary hands him a plate of food. Isabelle sits down as well and gives Max a bottle. 

"Where's Alec?" Isabelle asks.

"Sleeping. I didn't want to wake him. He's been up longer than I have. He's been drawing Awareness runes and whatever other runes you Nephilim use to stay awake." Magnus says. 

"One of you should've called." Isabelle says. "We would've come right over to help."

"He called Maryse and she said you were busy with some rogue werewolves or something." Magnus says and starts stuffing food in his face.

They all sit around the counter eating breakfast when Alec comes out of the bedroom pulling a shirt over his head, his hair a mess, and looking incredibly tired. 

"What's that smell?" Alec asks.

"Breakfast." Clary says, getting up and making Alec a plate.

"Thanks." Alec says and joins everyone at the counter. He begins to dig in. 

There's a knock on the door, "Come in." Isabelle says loudly. The door opens and Jace walks in.

"You all started the party without me?" Jace says. He walks over to Clary and plants a kiss on her lips and helps himself to breakfast. He sits down next to Clary and starts to eat. 

When everyone is done eating, including Max, everyone moves into the living room. Max plays in his playpen and laughs as Chairman Meow circles the playpen. 

Magnus went to put a shirt on, but ended up grabbing one of Alec's. Magnus and Alec are cuddled up on the couch with Magnus in a blue T-Shirt and a pair of his stylish sweatpants with Alec in his lap in a green Spartans shirt and zebra leggings Magnus got him last Christmas.  Clary is sitting in Jace's lap with is arms around her waist. Isabelle is sitting in a orange bowl chair Magnus added the last time he decorated. 

They sit around talking while watching Max play with the TV on in the background. Max is in a blue onesie that is a few shades darker than his skin. He's playing with a stuffed puppy Clary got him for his birthday, or what they call his birthday. Chairman Meow pawing at the net sides of the playpen. 


A few hours later, Clary and Jace have left to go to Pandemonium and maybe kill a few demons. Isabelle is playing with Max while Magnus and Alec watch with loving parents eyes. He seems to really like the game peak-a-doo. Magnus takes over for Isabelle, he scoops Max up and places him on his lap. Magnus holds his hand in front of Max. Max grabs at his finger and smiles. Magnus lights a little spark of an indigo / blue glow in the palm of his hand and Max giggles. The glow changes to a little teddy bear, then a little dancing man, and a bow and arrow. Alec can't help but laugh at that last one. Magnus looks over at Alec with a huge smile on his face. Max giggles again and they both turn their heads to look at their son with intense love in their eyes. 

Isabelle is watching the whole thing thinking of her boyfriend Simon, who is in Idris at Shadowhunter Academy. The love in Magnus and Alec's eyes for each other and their son makes her think of the way she thinks she looks at Simon. Her eyes full of love for the hot nerd standing in front of her. If only technology worked in Idris so she could call him or text him, but it doesn't. A few more weeks and this year ends and she can see him again. 

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