Random Night 1

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Magnus closes Max's door after putting him to bed and heads to the living room where Alec is helping Rafe with his homework. Rafe is scribbling down answers to a worksheet about the history of Shadowhunters, when Alec looks up and notices Magnus walking in. Alec smiles and gets up from the table. He kisses Magnus and asks, "Max asleep?"

"Yes. Out like a light. Is his homework almost done? It's almost his bedtime too." Magnus replies.

"Yes. He's answering the last question."

"Done!" Rafe announces. He packs up his things and asks to go take a bath before bed. Clary gave him this thing called a bath bomb she heard about from some of her mundane friends she still keeps in contact with. Magnus nods and Rafe skips off to the bathroom leaves Alec and Magnus alone in the kitchen.

"Did Rafe have a good day today?" Magnus asks.

"Yes. No complaints. Did Max set anything on fire again?"

"He actually got the candle this time!" Magnus and Alec both laugh.

"I'm not interrupting am I?" Veronica (Magnus' daughter) asks. Magnus took her in when she was a child. Her parents weren't in the picture and she went to a boarding school for orphans so during the summer when they cleaned out the rooms and the school she would stay with Magnus. Ever since she graduated she's traveled around the world helping out the Clave with missions. Whenever Veronica has time off she stays with the Lightwood-Bane family. 

"No. Not at all. Everything ok?" Alec asks.

"Ya. Just didn't wanna interrupt if you were having a moment." Veronica says and continues to the kitchen and opens the fridge. She grabs a glass of milk and a box of leftover pizza.

"You know I can get you fresh pizza right?" Magnus asks joining Veronica in the kitchen followed by Alec.

"Yes and so could I, but you know where to get the good stuff. Anyway. If you got a fresh pizza that'd be a waste of the pizza we have already."

"That is very true.." Magnus says and heats up the pizza in the box for Veronica.

"You know I could've done that."

"Last time you did you set the box on fire rather than heating the pizza. We just got Max to stop burning things." Alec points out. Magnus nods at Alec stating that Alec has a point. Veronica just rolls her eyes and grabs a slice. She's learned not to argue because they always tag team and she always looses.

"VERONICA!!!!!!!!!" Rafe shouts running out of the bathroom. Magnus conjures him a towel because he is butt naked. He's still young so running around naked is still deemed acceptable. Veronica is on her knees waiting for Rafe to run into her arms. He almost topples her over when he gives her a big wet hug. Veronica just laughs and let's the little boy hug her.

"Hi Rafe." Veronica laughs.

"How long are you staying this time?" Rafe asks.

"I don't know. We'll see." She winks. And Rafe giggles.

"Can Roni tuck me in?" Rafe asks his dads.

"Of course." Magnus says with a smile on his face. Happy that his son is so happy. And also laughing that he's covered in glitter from the bath bomb thing. Alec is also smiling from the excited look Rafe got on his face when he saw Veronica. He's also a little jealous of how close the two are. Rafe takes Veronica's hand and leads her to his room so she can tuck him in.

"Did you know she was here?" Alec asks.

"No. She must've just teleported in." Magnus says. Veronica is a part witch and part shadowhunter. Over the years she's been able to access her witch side as well as the shadowhunter side. She can both perform spells and take runes which is very rare and highly unlikely.

"Ok. I just am not a big fan of her just dropping in unannounced."

"I know. I'll talk to her. Tell her to give us warning or at least use the doorbell." Magnus touches Alec's face affectionately and Alec smiles.

"Thank you. I'm going to head to bed myself. I've been dealing with rouge werewolves all day."

"Ok. I'll join you as soon as I talk to Veronica."

"She can wait till morning."

Magnus smirks and follows Alec to the bedroom.

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