Chapter 8

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The kitchen of the Stenton Estate was equally as impressive as the rest of the house with its dark wood cabinetry and high tech appliances. It was a room Kalen didn't visit all too often, any food that he wanted, Natali usually fetched for him. Now however, Kalen wasn't going to allow his assistant anywhere near his bedroom, for obvious reasons.

Just as Kalen was about to pull open the door to the kitchen, the door swung open to reveal his assistant balancing a silver tray in one hand while the other grasped the door's handle. 

"Oh, pardon me sir. I was just about to bring your breakfast to your bedroom as you requested earlier this morning." Natali explained crisply. 

Natali had been Kalen's personal assistant since he was ten years old, the age that his parents decided they no longer needed to parent him themselves. For a time Natali had been nothing more than a glorified nanny, and while she was never unkind to him, she was hardly motherly either. Natali was the most cool and calculated person Kalen had ever met, and in all of his years of knowing her, Kalen still had never seen her show any more than the tiniest glimmer of emotion. The bun Natali always wore her medium brown hair in perfectly reflected her attitude: tight and restrained.

"I said I wasn't going to be eating in the dining room this morning, but I wanted to take my meal up myself." Kalen explained, earning himself an instant suspicious eyebrow raise from Natali, however Kalen knew she wouldn't question him. It was no longer her place to babysit him.

"If that is what you would prefer." Natali said, giving him a slight head bow as she handed over the tray of food. She straightened the rectangular red framed glasses on her face. "Is there anything else I can do for you sir?" She asked him.

"No, that will be all." Kalen told his assistant, giving a nod of farewell before heading back upstairs to his room. 


Piper paced angrily back and forth across the surface of the wooden dresser she was currently trapped on. She was getting really sick of being trapped places. 

"Stupid giants and their stupid giant dressers" Piper grumbled angrily as she walked across the length of the dresser for the twentieth time. 

Back in the normal world, Piper was an above average height but she had never really felt especially tall, even next to the short Naomi. Never again would Piper take advantage of not being the smallest person in the room. 

Piper jumped as the bedroom door opened once again. She wasn't sure if she should be relieved or worried when she saw that is was Kalen and not someone else. Kalen stepped into the room, hastily shutting the door behind him before placing his attention on Piper.

"Didn't feel up to exploring today?" Kalen asked with a quirked eyebrow as he went to place the tray he was carrying onto the table. 

Piper scowled darkly at Kalen's remark. "Do you get a kick out of treating people like shit?" She asked venomously.

Kalen gave an insouciant shrug. "I find it mildly amusing." He told her, setting down the tray then turning to glance over at her.

Piper folded her arms tightly over her chest as she glared back at the giant, struggling to refrain from spitting out a thousand insults at him. "Would you just call your stupid council already so I can get the hell out of here?" She asked angrily.

Kalen gave Piper a long look before walking towards her place on the dresser. Piper pushed down the intimidation rising up in her at the sight of the giant approaching her. 

"So eager to leave." Kalen remarked as he stepped in front of the dresser, now completely looming over Piper.

"Gee, I wonder why." She shot back, to which Kalen just chuckled lightly. 

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