Chapter 28

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For the third time in her life, Piper found herself trapped in a gigantic pocket. It was not something that brought forth fond memories, given the circumstances surrounding the last time she had been in a pocket. And now she was being kidnapped by some unknown giant, whose intentions and motivations were entirely foreign to her. 

Her captor was currently in motion, taking her who knows where to do who knows what with her. God, she hadn't even lasted a full day. Despite her past victories, a heavy feeling of impotence and weakness once again weighed down on her. How could she possibly be in control of her own destiny in such a place? 

Suddenly Piper was broken out of her melancholy wallowing by the familiar sound of the automated voice that had come from the teleporter before. "Transporting to Bradford Manor in Callow of the Caris District." The voice announced. An instant before it happened, Piper remembered what was to follow. 

Her vision went completely black, her body overcome with a heavy tingling sensation, as though every part of her body had lost blood flow. In a few seconds it was over, once again leaving Piper with an unpleasant nauseous feeling. 

Piper tried unsuccessfully to steady herself in the juddering pocket as the giant lurched into motion once again. She closed her eyes against the dizziness that was threatening to overtake her. She had no idea how these people could possibly deal with teleporting everywhere if these were the effects it had. Then again, it was perfectly possible it didn't affect them nearly as much as it did her. 

As Piper felt her captor descend down a flight of stairs, what sounded like some kind of opera music met her ears. "Something smells good." The voice boomed from above her. Indeed something did smell good, the fragrant scent of warm bread and a hot stew was strong even in the pocket. 

"You're back sooner than I expected." She heard a soft feminine voice say. Piper felt an icy feeling beginning to steal over her. She had failed to consider the fact that she might be having more than just one giant to contend with. 

"I assumed Vera would want him home for lunch soon." The giant replied, taking a few steps forward. "You know, Elenia is going to start getting cross if you keep doing her job for her." He added a moment later, light teasing in his voice. 

A light bell-like laugh came from the unknown giantess. "Elenia has a new house to get settled into, and I enjoy cooking. To me it seems like a mutually beneficial situation." She told him cheekily. "Your timing is quite impeccable actually, the stew just finished simmering." She informed him cheerfully. 

"Celia, lunch may have to wait a bit I'm afraid." Piper's kidnapper announced, his voice taking on a sudden solemnity.

Piper began to fill with dread for what she knew was about to come. She knew she would soon be the center of attention to two huge strangers. What they would do with her, she didn't know, but every guess that popped into her mind was increasingly unpleasant.  

"Why is that?" The woman asked, confusion clear in her voice. It was then that a set of immense fingers reached into the pocket. Piper braced herself for him to swiftly grab her and whip her out. However, she was surprised to find that the fingers were carefully and steadily wrapping around her body. Once the giant was apparently satisfied that he had a secure grip, he slowly pulled her out from within the confines of his jacket pocket. 

As soon as she was out the pocket, Piper had to close her eyes against the sudden brightness that assaulted her eyes. When she reopened them, she found that she had been placed down on some cool smooth surface. She stood in the center of what appeared to be the counter-top of a kitchen island. On one side stood the man that had taken her. On the other was a young woman with long locks of blonde hair, complete with a floral headband atop her head. Both massive beings stood staring down at her.

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