Chapter 39

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Hard ground was beneath where Piper lay sprawled out, proving that just like last time, she had been knocked unconscious during the teleportation process. She groaned as she pushed herself up into a sitting position, her eyes slowly opening. It was the moment of truth. Had she actually gotten back to Earth, or would she open her eyes to see angry giants towering around her?

Just like before, her vision was a bit blurry at first, but Piper knew instantly that she was home. There were no monolithic shapes around her, nor were there any of the unnaturally loud sounds that had been ever present in Amasis. Her vision cleared up more quickly this time around, allowing Piper to take in her surroundings. It was the middle of the night clearly, and it seemed she had been sent back to the exact spot she had been taken from next to the school. 

Piper hurriedly scrambled to her feet, an enormous grin stretched across her face. After having survived the unbelievable, she had made it back home. Her life could go back to normal. No more being carried around by giants, or having to climb on giant furniture. She had actually made it. 

"I gotta get back home." Piper muttered before taking off towards home at full speed. She didn't know whether or not time had passed the same way on Earth as it had on Amasis, but surely her parents would have realized that she was missing. 

Thankfully, Piper's mom's house wasn't all that far from the school, meaning she only had to run a couple blocks before she arrived panting on the doorstep. She pounded her fist on the door non-stop until filling the door swung open to reveal an exhausted looking woman in a bathrobe. 

A soft smile formed on Piper's lips at the sight of her mom, not only because there had been a time when Piper had thought she'd never see her again, but also because this was the first normal sized person she had seen in days. "Hi, mom." Piper greeted quietly, tears beginning to prick at the corners of her eyes. 

Eyes wide, Piper's mom gasped sharply as she realized exactly who was standing in front of her. "Oh my god, Piper?!" She exclaimed before pulling her daughter into a hug. "I was worried sick!" She cried, gripping Piper tighter.

"How long have I been gone?" Piper asked once they had separated. 

A look of confusion came over Piper's mom. "It's been five days." She told her. So the passage of time seemed to have been relatively the same across dimensions. "How did you not--" Piper's mom started, but Piper was quick to stop her.

"I'll try to explain it all later, I promise." Piper assured her mom. "But right now I really just want to be home with you." 

Though still looking as though she had a million questions she wanted to ask, Piper's mom conceded. "Of course, come in." She said as she stepped aside to let Piper through the door. 

Piper smiled as she took in the sight of her normal sized home. Just the fact that she could touch the top of the side table by the door, and reach the light switch to turn on the lights brought her stupid amount of pleasure. "It's good to be home." She murmured. 


The sun had barely just risen over the horizon as Kalen stood waiting in the alley between two unopened shops. He wrung his hands nervously, resisting the urge to pace back and forth. He had know idea what had become of Piper last night and it was driving him crazy. He had tried to call Devon several times, to no answer, until finally he sent him a message telling him to meet him in this particular spot in the Ordelle District. 

The few minutes Kalen had been waiting felt like hours, and every possible worse case scenario had been running through his head in the mean time. Finally Devon appeared at the end of the alley, dressed inconspicuously in a long brown coat and hat. 

"What is going on, why did we have to meet here?" Kalen asked instantly, only to be shushed by Devon immediately. 

"You must be quiet." Devon warned, the tone of his voice filling Kalen with dread. 

"Why? What happened? Is Piper alright?" Kalen demanded in a hissing whisper. 

Devon took hold of Kalen's arm and directed him further into the alleyway, scanning the area around them before finally speaking. "Piper made it to Earth." He whispered. A heavy weight was instantly lifted off his shoulders at Devon's words. Despite all the odds, they had actually done it. 

Kalen breathed out a sigh of relief. "That is good news." He said with a smile. 

Devon however, looked far from celebratory. "That's where the good news ends, I'm afraid." He murmured. "Jed got caught." 

Kalen's eyes widened. He hadn't known Jed well, but the guy had willingly put himself at risk to help Piper, and had apparently succeeded. The fact that he would have to suffer for it was hard to hear. "What happened?" Kalen asked in a low voice. 

"We don't know exactly, Rothgard sent out a message to all council members telling us that the human had escaped with the help of an SSD scientist." Devon explained. "He has called another emergency meeting later this morning." 

There was no doubt that Jed would face a lifetime of imprisonment for what Rothgard would see as treachery, but Kalen couldn't figure out for what purpose he would call a council meeting. There was nothing to be done, Piper was already gone, and they had already caught their culprit. "Why would he do that?" Kalen questioned. 

Devon shook his head. "We can't know for sure yet, but I fear he may be planning to launch a full scale investigation into the matter." Kalen was beginning to understand the purpose of all the cloak and dagger. If Rothgard managed to trace it back to either him or the Bradfords, they would end up just the same as Jed. 

"I encourage you to lay low for the time being and not to try to get in contact with me, I'll message you if I have any information you need to know." Devon stated. Kalen nodded in understanding. "You go ahead, I'll wait a few minutes before leaving." Devon told him. 

Kalen stepped out of the alley, trying to appear as nonchalant as possible as he made his way over to a nearby transporter. He would just go home and go about his day as he normally would. He could only hope he wasn't already suspected of having had anything to do with Piper's escape. 

After getting back home Kalen had a quick breakfast in his room while his parents readied themselves for the council meeting. His tutor would arrive in a few hours for their lessons, but until then Kalen had some free time. He had just settled down to watch the news when IRIS announced that he was receiving a call from none other than Lord Rothgard's office. 

Panic instantly began to set in. Rothgard must have figured out that Kalen had helped Piper and was now calling to tell him that he would be arrested in a matter of minutes. He would be tried as a traitor and sentenced to a life time of imprisonment if not worse. Expecting nothing but the worst, Kalen accepted the call. "Kalen Stenton speaking." He croaked out.

"Sir, this is Lord Rothgard's secretary, I have been directed to request your presence at the council meeting being held at 11 this morning." A woman's voice told him. 

Kalen swallowed hard. "Did he have a reason?" He asked nervously.

"I was not provided with one." The secretary replied simply. "I trust you will be sure to be there?" She questioned primly. 

Wanting desperately to say no, but knowing that turning down such a request was practically illegal, Kalen knew he had no choice. "Yes, you can tell the lord that I will be there." Kalen responded, swiftly ending the call afterwards. 

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