Epilogue: CLOSED.

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"Yoongi-ah... It's your birthday today..."

"You'd be eighteen today. You'd be an adult. How weird is that?"

"Not as weird as me trying to speak to you but I know you can hear me or at least I hope you can."


"How have you been?"

"Is life treating you right, now?"


"I brought flowers, and your favorite ice cream. Well... at least from two years ago. You have to eat it though. It's gonna melt in this weather if you don't."

"I think you'd ask how my life is going.. so I'll spill just in case."

"I got into a good college. I'm going to major in psychology."


"What an inspiration you are. Also, I got a half time job at a restaurant. It pays well. At least enough for the rent."



"I miss you."

"Why did you leave me? Why didn't you let me help you?"

"I never understood exactly what delusion you were in but based on what the police found in your room... well... you weren't exactly right in the head. Always listen to your conscience? Boi, we can listen to our conscience but when it says things like 'you're fucking useless' you don't."

"Shit, sorry..."

"I'm using sarcasm to pour out my feelings. That's a habit the therapist told me to work on. Thanks Yoongs, you left me here alone and gave me some of your own medicine."

"Except I have my own medicine now."


"Happy birthday, Yoongi. Have a good 18th in heaven or wherever you are. Hopefully not in hell, because then killing yourself wasn't worth it in the end, am I right?"


"If you never came to realization that I wasn't using you, then I hope you realized after you did what you did."

"I did love you, you know. You were just a bit blind to see it. Always a bit too broken to think you could be fixed, always too far out to see what was close, always away when there was a here."


"Here are your flowers. Hope you enjoyed that ice cream."


"I don't know if I should be mad at you..."

"Should I?"

"I'll let time decided... because two years isn't enough apparently.."


"I have to go, Yoongi. I have a life of my own you know. You had one too but oh look at that, a tombstone with your name on it."

"That was rude. I'm sorry."

"You should be the one saying sorry though but I guess I'll do it for you. You always did blame things on me. Even when I didn't do anything. It's okay though, I see why.."

"Forgive me. I miss you, I love you."


"Goodbye Yoongi."

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