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"I declare a rematch!!!!" lil red had her finger pointing at me."..... Huh?" We just finished the last class of the day. I was out in the hall way talking to Gracie and Ashton when Ruby popped out of nowhere. "A rematch? For what?" I asked. "For the humiliation that I have suffered from the hands that are yours!!!" "Ruby that barely made sense." she clenched her fist. "Doesn't matter let's fight!!" "Ruby we're in school and you don't have your weapon either." Gracie said. Ruby look dumbstruck for a minute. "Oh. Right. Haha." I sighed. "You really wanna really wanna match?" The lil one gave me the puppy eyes. "Yes please." I can't refuse. Too adorable. I hide my face with my hand. "Fine then. Ashton go get Olivia. Tell her to meet us at the front of the school." "You got it." He ran off to get his girlfriend. Even thou he doesn't know it yet. "Be ready."

We all met at the front of the school a few minutes later. Everyone showed up. Team TOAZ, Team RWBY, Team GNET, and even Team JNPR. We all walked into the woods to distance is from the school so they don't hear us. "Did you guys really have to come along?" I asked the group of friends. "What you don't want us here?" Nat said from behind me. "Its not that. I'm just saying don't y'all got anything better to do?" "We have homework." "Oh." We walked for a few minutes through the woods. Finally we were in a open space so we can fight. "Ok you ready. Standard dual rules: First one to surrender of has their aura depleted losses." "Sounds good." I gave Ruby a fist bump and we put 10 feet between us. Our friends we standing on the side lines. Of course Ruby's team cheered for her and mine team cheered for me. "Goooooo Ruby!" "You can do it Takeda!" "WOOOOOO!!!" I opened my palm and a coin made of ice appeared. "Once this coin hits the ground, the match begins. Cool?" "Cool."

I flipped the coin high into the air. I flicked my wrist and held a my katana in my right hand and my shot gun in my left hand. Ruby brought out her scythe Cresent Rose. Cool how she named her weapon. Maybe I should too. I need to concentrate right now.

As soon as the coin hit the grass Ruby stabbed her scythe into the ground and began shooting at me. I blocked the bullets with my katana. I pointed my shot gun behind me and fired. The blast launched me forward at Ruby. I tried to cut through her but she pulled her scythe out the ground and blocked it. She spun her scythe around protecting her and attacking me. I rolled under her strikes and shot her feet. I used my aura to freeze her feet together. I got up fast and drop kicked her and we both fell to the ground. I got up, but Ruby was fast and somehow shoot my shot gun out my hand. I ran for my gun while ruby shot at me. Before I could grab my gun she appeared between it and me. She tried to cut my feet off but I jumped into the air. I flow over her and grabbed my gun fast and shot the ground making a wall of ice. Ruby spun around with her scythe trying to slice me in half not knowing of the wall. Her scythe couldn't cut through it. I used my semblance to turn myself invisible and snuck up behind her.

"Your pretty good." she spun around trying to cut me in half,but I was already gone. I leaned on her shoulder. "You might just be able to beat me." she jumped away and tried to shoot me, but only hitting wind. I patted her head. "Thing is I don't wanna find out." she tried to cut me down again but had the same results as last time. "Stop doing that and fight me!" Ruby squeaked. From the side-lines I heard our friends. "Boo!" "Come Takeda!" "You can do it." "Don't let him get to you." "Fight!" I leaned back to back with Ruby. "I mean don't get me wrong...." I had to duck under her scythe and jump back before she shot my feet. "..... I love to fight." she ran up so fast I could barely block her blade with my wrist band. "I just don't like to fight cute innocent girls." she hit me in the gut with the butt of her scythe. I groaned in pain before she drop-kicked me in the chest. On impact I could feel myself to reappear. I got up from the dirt as fast as I could clenching my stomache. Ruby shot her gun at me. I was to slow to dodge it and it went right through my chest. I felt to the ground.

"So I'd really appreciate if you'd give up." my double laid their slowly melting away. I was right behind Ruby again. She back kicked me in the gut making me stumble back a bit. I reappeared on purpose this time letting Ruby and everyone see me. I still had my weapon around my wrist. I had my hands up. "Ruby are you sure about this?" She put on a very serious face and nodded. I sighed and hung my head. I flexed a lil and released some aura. An icy mist surrounded me. I waved my hand around and a misty hand followed. "I've been waiting to try this out." I looked over at Ashton. "Pay attention." I ran up as fast as I could and ducked under her strike letting my double took the hit freezing over Ruby's scythe. I jabbed her in the waist and kicked the back of her knee and she feel to the ground. She swung her weapon trying to hit me with the back of her blade. I jumped over her releasing more aura. I landed behind Ruby and my double in front of her.

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