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"hyung, how's your weekend?" minghao said as he ran to me.

"oh. same as usual."

"you talked to wonwoo?" minghao asked.

"of course. or else what would i do?" i chuckled. "how's yours?"

"i hung out with jun-hyung yesterday."

"oh. china line day." i mocked.

"hyung!" he bumped me. "we have names."

"i know, i know."


"school is exhausting." jun sighed. me, minghao, jun and hansol were like a gang. we hang out at school everyday. ah, i meant collage. woo hoo. we're in first year. but we're already really popular for some reasons. girls keep coming at us. it's like everywhere we go, there's always girls surrounding us. but we only hang out with us four, because we trust no one in our school.

"i know." hansol commented.

minghao's phone rang. "hello? 啊,媽媽!" (translations: oh, mum!) "sorry guys, i have to take this." he said to us. then he continued to speak on his phone. "你還好嗎?為什麼不給我打電話?我很想你喔." (translation: how are you? why haven't you called? i miss you a lot!)

"i swear to god. i will never understand chinese." i said.

hansol and jun laughed.

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