You're Lying

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"You haven't washed your breakfast dishes!!" you heard your mom scream across the house. You were already late for school and she STILL wanted you to wash your dishes.

"Why the hell do I have to do everything right now?!" you thought.

You grunted, quickly fixing your uniforms black skirt. The clock seemed to tick faster than your heart was right now. "ITS ALREADY 7 AND YOU STILL NEED TO WASH YOUR DISHES!" You swore your mom was addicted to cleaning. You ran downstairs knowing you wouldn't be able to leave without getting yelled at for being lazy.

You rolled your sleeves up and quickly started washing them. Your hands felt like they were moving faster than your mind can think of food. "God why can't I ever leave this house peacefully like any other student?" you quietly whispered to yourself.

After you finished washing the dishes, you ran to the door. "Mom I'm leaving! I have to finish my project with Kevin today, so I won't be back until 6 or so," you said.

"Okay, but I have to talk to you when you get home," said your mom.

"Yeah sure, bye now!" you responded. Truth was, you didn't even question what she wanted to talk to you about. Probably something random...


School went whatever. Normal, boring, neutral, anything that had to do with being bored. After school you met up with Kevin, your crush. That's when the day suddenly brightened up for you. He was funny, smart, cool, nice, and even a bit nerdy. You were glad he was your partner for this project. You both worked on this project and soon it was 6:15.

"Crap, sorry Kevin. I gotta go home. Its getting pretty late."

"Yeah! No its fine," he said with a sweet smile as he pushed his round glasses up.

"Okay, well, i'll see you tomorrow!" you said shyly as you gave him a slight bow before leaving.

Ahh he's such a cutie isn't he? I bet no one will ever replace him from your heart. Or are you being too confident?


You arrived home almost dragging yourself to the couch. You let go of your school bag way back by the front door. "Im done with school. I can't make it past this year. Im this close to dropping out," you thought jokingly. It was your senior year, what much more was one last semester?

"I was waiting for a while now," your mom interrupted your thoughts. Sitting up correctly, you looked over at her. "What is it?" you responded.

"Do you remember Lynn? My close friend?" she said.

You narrowed your eyes with a confused look. Your mom talks about her all the time so why wouldn't you? You nodded suspiciously and said "yeah and her son," you said in an irritated tone.

Your mom nodded looking slightly nervous and worried with the way you said that. "Yes well, you see, Lynn and I have been talking a lot these past days and we...well, we concluded that she and her son would move in here with us." You felt like you were gonna choke. "We thought it'd be a good idea!" she said, attempting to convince you. "We get to pay half rent, half for the food, which means you, sweetie, get more money to spend!" she continued. You didn't mind not having much money.

You sat there, motionless. So many thoughts were burying you deeper and deeper until you snapped out. "WHAT?! no no no nope HELL NO...You're playing with me aren't you," you said with a smile that you knew was fake, but your mom remained serious.

"Mom, seriously? I can't do that. You're practically gonna have Satan in your house."

"I already live with him"

Your jaw dropped at her comment. "Mom I'm not kidding! I hate that boy, you don't even know in what--, no. Are you even aware of what happens when he's around? It's madness. He's rude, he always messes with me, he loves making fun of me and pushing me around just because I'm younger than him."

"Well I'm sorry, but maybe it's time for you to fix your problems with him. You always mention how much you've always wanted a big brother, maybe he'll mature with you.

"Mature with-- mature--" you let out a laugh of disbelief. That boy, Park Jimin, was nothing but another problem in your long list of bullshit to deal with. Fuck that boy, and not literally.

Your mom began standing up, which meant no more arguing. "They'll be moving in this Saturday, so don't be rude," she said in a serious tone. "This friday?! Its Wednesday.." You looked around. Park Jimin, living with you, under the same roof. Sharing the same space, the same food. "That's my freakin food," you thought as you went up to your room.

{Maaaaan, this was a boring chapter and its barely the first one hahaha. No, it'll get better. Everything after this chapter will be much more interesting I promise ;) It's about to be 12 pm here but I don't give a ---. I'll keep writing because I can't wait for you to read the fun parts {; They're gonna be so detailed holy mother of balls I'm so excited SO DONT ABANDON ME I WILL BLESS YOU WITH BETTER CHAPTERS.

If you have any requests or ideas to give me, let me know! }

Devoted to Secrets {Jimin x Reader} (completed!)Where stories live. Discover now