Sleepless night

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Listen to 'Arms' by Christina Perri while reading this

Erin looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. The last couple of weeks had been confusing for the brunette. All these emotions swirling inside her made her exhausted. Erin took off her clothes, put them away, and then got into her pajamas. As she was brushing her teeth, she couldn't help but think about her adorable blonde coworker. How her bright blue eyes would focus so intensely on whatever she was working on, how her blonde curly locks would lay messily a top her head, and how she danced like nobody was watching. Erin spit into the sink and rinsed out her mouth. The tired girl fell into bed and fell asleep almost instantly and of course, she was dreaming about Holtzmann. 

Holtzmann laid on her couch in her lab and started up at the ceiling. She started sleeping at the fire station so she could work as late as she wanted. It was about 3am right now and the blonde had been laying down for four hours. She hadn't been sleeping since she first laid eyes on the beautiful brown eyed girl, Erin Gilbert. Holtz had never felt this strong about someone before. The last time she had a crush was in 7th grade when she realized she was gay. Sadly, she was turned down by the girl because she was straight. As she got older, she realized she didn't have time for crushes. She was too busy building things, but Erin changed this. Every time she was around her, she couldn't help but flirt with her. She was convinced it wasn't working and Erin just assumed it was Holtzmann just being herself. Sure Holtz liked to flirt, but with Erin, it was different. She did it more and actually meant it. Holtz sighed to herself and decided to get up. It was pointless to try to sleep so she turned on music and decided to work. 

Erin woke up suddenly, drenched in her own sweat, tears running down her face. She had had a dream that her old mean neighbor lady ghost came back and haunted her again, this time killing Holtzmann. Her mind flashed back to the image of Holtzmann being thrown out the window and into traffic where she was hit by a car and killed. Without hesitation, Erin grabbed her phone and called Holtzmann.  After a couple rings, Holtz answered. 


"H-holtz?" The blonde detected the worry in Erin's voice and soon realized she was crying. 

"Er? What's wrong? Are you okay?" 

"I h-had a dream that the old mean neighbor lady ghost from my childhood came back and killed you." Jillian instantly felt sympathy.

"Oh Erin. I'm so sorry. I'm okay though! Still alive and well!"

"I-I know I-'m s-sorry for c-calling you this l-late."

"Hey it's no biggie. I was awake."

"Oh." more sobs came from the phone. 

"Hey Erin, honey, it was just a dream."

"I k-know b-but it felt s-so real." 

"I know."



"Can you stay on the phone with me?"

"Of course." 

While Erin was explaining the details of the dream, Holtz was getting dressed. She slipped on a t-shirt, pants, and her favorite boots before heading out the door. She hailed a cab and gave the driver the address, holding her finger over the microphone so Erin couldn't hear. About ten minutes later, Holtz arrived at her destination, Erin's apartment. She paid the driver, got out of the cab, and went to the door and buzzed in for Erin's apartment. 

"Hold on, someone just buzzed.." Erin trailed off on the phone "Hello?" Holtz heard Erin say on the phone and through the speaker. 

"Special delivery for an Erin Gilberts." Holtz said in one of her many weird voices. 

"Holtz?" Erin said quietly. Before Holtzmann could say anything, Erin buzzed her in. Jillian walked through the doors of the building and then up the stairs. She finally got to Erin's room. She knocked on the door and within a second, Erin opened the door. 

"Supri-" before she could finish, Erin grabbed Holtz and shut the door. She shoved Holt against the door and connected their lips. At first, the blonde was confused, but then she melted into the kiss. After a minute of this, Erin pulled away and looked at Holtzmann before embracing her small body in a hug. 

"You came." she whispered in her ear. 

"Of course I did. You were so upset and it hurt me that you were upset, but you need sleep now." Jillian said taking Erin's hand and leading her into the bedroom. Erin got into bed and under the covers. 

"Don't leave me." Erin said sleepily. 

"I wasn't gonna leave you." Holtz said as she took off her clothes leaving her in nothing but a pair of boxers and a sports bra. She fell into the bed next to Erin and Erin cuddled up to her, her arm around her waist and her head on her chest.  

"I'm never gonna leave you." Holtz whispered to Erin before they both fell into a deep sleep.

Word count: 834

Songs I listened to while writing this (in order):

-Modern Girl by Sleater-Kinney
-Heaven by Troye Sivan
-Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol
-Training Wheels by Melanie Martinez
-I'm Lost Without You by Blink- 182
-Arms by Christina Perri 

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