sick days

580 19 3

Erin woke up with start. Her body was aching, her nose was stuffy, and her throat felt like thirty cats were clawing at it. She sat up and took a deep breath. She thought about staying home, but she didn't want to leave the ghostbuster team all on their own. She heaved her tired body out of her bed and walked to her bathroom. She stared at her tired face in the mirror and sighed. Maybe a hot shower would help? She thought to herself. She stripped off her clothes that were clinging to her sweaty body. She hopped into the shower and washed her hair and body quickly.

After she got dressed in a pair of sweats and a random T-shirt and brushed her teeth, she went downstairs at drank a cup of Emergen-C and ate a bagel before hopping in a cab to work.

When she arrived to work, she greeted everyone before falling into her desk chair.

"Are you okay?" Her best friend, Abby asked.

"Peachy keen!"

"You don't look so hot..." Holtzmann said as she felt her forehead. "But you definitely feel hot. I would say 102, maybe 103."

"Why did you come into work?" Patty asked shaking her head.

"I didn't want to leave you guys alone today."

"Erin! Your health is more important." Abby said.

"I'll give you a ride home." Holtzmann said grabbing the keys to the Ecto. Erin followed behind the blonde into the Ecto.

They finally arrived to Erin's apartment and Erin couldn't have been more relieved.

"Lets get you to bed!" Holtz said as she guided Erin to her neat bedroom.

"I'm hot." Erin whined.

"Yeah you are." Holtz said in a flirty tone. "Here, take off your clothes."

A small whimper escaped Erin's lips as she tried to pull her shirt off over her head.

"Let me help." Holtz grabbed the bottom of Erin's shirt and pulled it over her head and threw it on the ground. Erin pulled off her sweats and fell onto her bed.

"Now I'm cold." Erin whined. She got under the covers, but it wasn't enough. Holtzmann noticed that she was still shivering so she unzipped the MIT sweatshirt she was wearing.

"Here." She handed the sweatshirt to Erin. "Put this on." Erin sat up and put the sweatshirt on before falling back on the bed.

Holtzmann left the bedroom and went to Erin's kitchen and grabbed her some water and medicine before heading back to the bedroom.

"Hey Erin. Erin. Bean. Wake up." Holtz said as she carefully shook the sleeping girl's body.


"You need some medicine." She said holding a spoonful of the syrupy substance. Erin nodded and downed the medicine, gagging at the taste. Holtz handed her the cup of water and she downed it.

"I'm gonna head back to work now. Text me if you need anything."

"Stay with me?" mumbled a sleepy Erin.

Holtzmann texted Patty and Abby and told them she wasn't coming back. Then she slipped off her shoes and got into bed next to Erin. She scooted as close as possible to Erin and wrapped her arm around Erin's waist.

Holtz eventually got up and went to Erin's kitchen. She decided to make some food for Erin, knowing she would be hungry when she woke up. She grabbed a can of soup out of the cabinet, poured it into a bowl, and then put it in the microwave. She grabbed the soup out of the microwave and walked to Erin's room where she was sitting up in her bed.

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