Chapter 18 - "Rhylee!?"

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[[Warning: Those who like tear jerkers, then I hope you find this good. Those who don't: SHUT UP AND READ, BE HAPPY FOR HER, GOD DAMMIT!]]

 Chapter 18 "Rhylee!?"

Six years had passed…sometimes it was hard to say it; I’ve been trapped in a psychotic prison for six years. It had been six years since I saw my parents, six years since I’d seen my neighborhood, and six years since I’d set eyes on this house. It stood merely feet away; mocking me. Secretly I was thankful that Justin was allowing me to be silent. He didn’t ask if I were going to get this over with, like I was on the inside. Instead, he quietly held my hand on the console between us and watched me for a reaction.

Outside the car was a perfect lawn, scattered with stray fallen leaves. Beside it was a slick black driveway, holding two cars that sat neatly beside each other. This all was connected by a sidewalk that gracefully led up to a pristine white house. It was fairly large, which I didn’t remember at all. Come to think of it, I didn’t remember any of this. Did they move, or did my memory simply fade? With a slight cough, I cleared my throat and turned to Justin. “Did they move?”

He nodded then looked out to the house. “They couldn’t handle the…memories. And so they moved.”

He sure had a lot of information about them. Not wanting to know how or why he had that information, I turned and looked back at the house. It looked perfect; perfect, perfect, perfect…how was I supposed to burst inside and ruin the illusion of their perfect lives? A kidnapped, drug addict, forgotten, nineteen year old daughter didn’t belong here. Where would I belong, though? The truth was evident, but I refused to let myself think it. “I don’t know if I can do this.” The tears that had been welling in my eyes this whole time finally fell. I wiped them away and looked straight ahead of us, pulling my hand out of Justin’s. “We should just go. Maybe we could live in Florida; I’ve heard it’s nice there.”

Though I looked ahead of me, staring at a dent on the hood of a car in front of us, I felt Justin’s gaze on me. After several moments, he finally opened his mouth. “Rhylee, what are you doing?” He quietly demanded.

“I’m giving up. What kind of family would want me? I’m a drug addicted, fear driven, wanted teenager! I’m not even twenty and people are trying to kill me.” In that moment, it seemed like everything fell on my shoulders. They had finally taken everything from me; my life, my family, my courage, and my spirit. And the worst part was I couldn’t tell which was worse. I broke down; spilling tear after tear, letting them land on my hands that sat in my lap. It was all over; the running was for nothing.

Even though I couldn’t see through the blurring tears, I felt Justin reach into my lap and pull one of my hands to his face. His warm lips pressed to my knuckles, kissing the tears away. My heart stopped, but soon his efforts worked and I had stopped crying. I looked up at him with a sad smile. “Justin, I–”

He shook his head to stop me. “Rhylee, I know things aren’t…fantastic right now, but I know one thing is for sure; your parents still love you. And no matter what happens, no matter what’s said, I will always be here for you. I owe it to you.” He leaned forward and pecked me gently on the lips before sitting back and looking at me again.

“W-what do you mean you owe it to me?”

He frowned and shook his head. “Nothing,”

I sighed and looked back out the window. “So…we just…knock on the door?”

“Unless you think breaking in through the window makes more sense.”

I playfully smacked his shoulder, “Oh hush it,”

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