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wheein rushed out of the school gates quickly- trying to avoid getting caught in the crowds of people.

the girl captured a glimpse of hwasa. her heart started beating faster. as much as wheein really wants to be in the girl's presence, talk to her, laugh with her, she couldn't help but hide away; stay hidden and unknown from the girl.

but, for some extremely odd reason, the universe had different plans for jung wheein.

"hey," hwasa was now standing beside wheein, smiling at the lonely girl.

"hi," wheein kept her head low, mostly because she was trying to hide the blush forming on her cheeks.

it was quiet for a bit. wheein could smell the orange haired girls perfume. it smelt of lavender and daisies- which only made wheein crave the girl more.

"uh," hwasa cleared her throat, "you never told me what your name was?"

"jung wheein."

her voice was quiet and strained from being so anxious. she started to worry that maybe hwasa doesn't want to know her, that maybe she regrets even talking to her. but she looked up, just to take a glance at the girl's reaction, she could see hwasa smiling slightly, cheeks a tinge of pink.

wheein couldn't help but smile at the girl, she looked so cute blushing. plus, seeing hwasa like that only made wheein's heart beat a little faster, and her stomach to flutter a little more.

moments like that reminded wheein that maybe hwasa was just as nervous as she was, and she could be worried about embarrassing herself, too. after all, hwasa was human, she had feelings.

but wheein still felt the orange haired girl was different; better. she could light up an entire room with her smile. but everyone has there flaws, right? and wheein wanted to know and discover every little thing about hwasa that nobody else knew.

wheein wanted to be the one hwasa could trust with everything. she wanted to be the one to stay up with her until three in the morning. talking about absolutely anything. wheein always wished for someone like hwasa in her life, and somehow, her wish may be coming true.

after a few minutes of standing in silence, under the shade the tree provided, the bus arrived.

as the two girls were walking towards it, hwasa asked, "do you want to sit together?"

wheein nodded her head, trying to conceal the wide grin on her face.

the dark haired girl started to think she was just overanalysing everything. she got too caught up in her little world, thinking that no one really wanted to know her.

she spent most of her high school days either at the library hiding behind a book, or in the far corner at the cafeteria, out of sight from everyone. but it was not like that- not anymore. because someone does want to know her.

and it happened to be the girl she so desperately liked.

the universe might finally be giving wheein the chance to have this piece of happiness.

the bus started moving, hwasa kept her gaze ahead, but wheein kept stealing glances at the live work of art next to her.

sun lightly danced across hwasa's face, enhancing the natural glow of her skin. the wind gently swept through her orange hair, causing some strands to fall against her face. wheein had the urge to bring her hand up to move away the untamed strands, but she resisted.

she smiled to herself at how beautiful hwasa was. she wanted to tell her that her smile was brighter than any star; that her voice was more angelic than any ballad she had ever heard. she wanted to tell hwasa, that her heart held the whole universe, and wheein wanted to be apart of it.

wheein ended up focusing her eyes outside of the window, eventually hwasa's stop was nearing.

out of instinct - or she just didn't want the girl to leave so soon - wheein turned her head, ready to watch as hwasa would leave the vehicle.

the bus came to a halt, the orange haired girl met wheein's gaze. she coyly smiled.

"see you later, jung wheein."

"s-see you," she managed to say before hwasa was out of earshot. the girl turned her head one last time, giving a little wave to wheein, then exiting the vehicle.

the lonely girl cupped her now warm cheeks, trying to prevent the smile tugging at her lips.

she leaned her head against the window. although, there was a lot of reasons for wheein to be sad, or dread going home, she felt content.

all thanks to a certain bright orange haired girl.

lonely ; wheesaWhere stories live. Discover now