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the dark haired girl strolled out of the school gates, her girlfriend right by her side.

fingers linked, a sense of warmth lingered in the breeze between them. wheein walked closer to the girl, not caring about what went through other peoples' minds; not caring that they actually knew who she was now. she didn't care what anyone else thought anymore, she was too preoccupied with the way hwasa was talking about something that caused a spark to ignite within her voice; the way her cheeks were dusted with a pink, rosy-colour.

she still found herself immersed in her soft voice, the sweet, calming words falling off her tongue. admiring the orange haired girl was her favourite thing to do- she knew she'd never get tired of it.

they stopped near the familiar, tall tree, leaning against it, hands still entwined.

"i used to see you standing by this tree every afternoon, and i wondered what it'd be like to talk to you. even back then i thought you were gorgeous," hwasa spoke, a smug smile playing on her red lips.

wheein blushed, attempting to hide her reddening cheeks by looking down at the ground.

"well, seeing as we're confessing stuff, i want to tell you something."

the girl, now standing in front of wheein, lifted her chin up, so she was looking at her in the eyes. wheein's skin felt like it was on fire from hwasa's touch, she wondered if the other could feel the electricity, too.

softly, wheein said, "i always noticed you. i always thought you were so beautiful. that day you talked to me, was the best day of my life. and to this day, you still make my heart race."

by now, her cheeks deepened in colour, corresponding with the bright, vibrant colour of her girlfriend's hair.

"you're adorable."

wheein scoffed, "shut up."

hwasa smiled, scrunching up her nose and leaning closer to the girl. it was quick, and gentle, but it was still a beautiful kiss- it was enough to keep wheein's stomach doing flips for hours.

they stayed standing under the canopy that the branches created until the same, old yellow vehicle arrived.

"sit next to me?" hwasa asked, holding the girl's hand, leading her to the bus.

wheein nodded, "i don't think there's anyone else i'd rather sit next to."

"being a complete sap again, i see."

playfully, she wacked the orange haired girl's arm, giggling slightly. she was abruptly struck was a nostalgic feel.

she remembered the first time hwasa asked if wheein wanted to sit with her- how they were both so shy; how they were already completely infatuated with one another without even knowing it. she missed those times, but she would always love the right now times, even more.

because, right now, she was with the other girl.

right now, she wasn't the lonely person she used to be.

right now, she was currently sitting by the window, with the feeling of hwasa's thigh pressed against her own.

hwasa placed an earphone in wheein's ear, with the other in her own, she started playing the dark haired girl's favourite song. subconsciously, she leaned her head on hwasa's shoulder, and soon, she felt the girl's fingers running through her long hair.

it was soothing, and wheein was so, utterly in love with the other and the way she made her feel.

"hyejin," she said, pulling the earphone out of her ear, "i need to tell you something."

she grinned, "ooh, calling me by my real name, it must be important." the girl stared at her, eyebrows raised, waiting for what wheein was going to say.

"i love you."

the smile on her face faltered, her eyes seemed to be glistening with tears, and wheein worried she blurted those words way too soon.

"i love you," hwasa said, bringing her hands up to her own cheeks, which were now painted in a crimson colour. suddenly, she whispered, "wait, did that just happened?"


"that just happened," she said again, still dazed, yet the widest smile plastered across her face.

wheein's lips curled up, as well, knowing the other felt the exact same way.

once the bus ride ended, and the orange haired girl walked wheein to her house, they stood there, still holding hands, not saying anything.

then, slowly, hwasa leaned in, closing her eyes as she pressed her lips onto wheein's.

her arms wrapped around her girlfriend's waist, holding her closer. wheein brought a hand up, gently cupping hwasa's cheek. once they pulled apart, breathing quietly, steadily, the dark haired girl was the first to break the silence.

"see you tomorrow?"

"of course," hwasa replied, quickly pecking the other on the cheek.

that night, when wheein was laying in bed, staring out the window, she saw it- the way the stars always returned, brightening up the dark each night. she knew she'd never be alone again, not when ahn hyejin was in her life. jung wheein truly, completely believed she was going to be alright and happy- she really was going to keep the girl close, along with all the positive in the universe.

lonely, she thought. never again.


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