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mondays have never been one of wheein's favourite days, but today, was an exception.

this morning, the girl decided to wake up earlier, put more effort into her day. she treated herself by having a warm shower, then breakfast. she felt as if her life has been gradually getting a little more together by the day.

she knew once she reached the bus, and throughout the school day, she wouldn't be completely alone anymore.

she had hyejin.

wheein looked at the time on her phone, 07:14 am. she decided to leave the house, beginning to walk to the bus stop.

the dark haired girl tugged on her bag straps, holding it closer to her body as she strolled along the path in silence.

the usual smell of cherry blossoms lingered in the air, causing the corner of her lips to tug slightly upwards. she took in a deep breath, allowing herself to feel calmer. usually, this was the time the anxiety pumped its way through her veins, and pound against her chest with every heart beat. today it wasn't like that. at all.

wheein felt like she finally had a grip on reality, and, herself.

as the girl approached the bus stop, she sat down on the small, weather destroyed bench, waiting for the bus. alone. just like she had always done.

believing she was getting better - that maybe things will be one your side for once - was a dangerous thing to think. but wheein couldn't help but feel like the universe had plans for the lonely, sad girl. that everything she had been through the past years, were leading up to this very moment. where the happiness she has been craving for, was now right in the palm of her hands.

not long after sitting down, the familiar yellow vehicle pulled up to the curb.

wheein walked up the steps, greeting the bus driver with a smile, before taking a seat. today was different, normally there would be only two or three spare seats, but the bus seemed to be half empty.

it was probably because the school semester was coming to an end, and most people didn't bother showing up for the last few weeks.

nevertheless, she was grateful, because the always loud bus, was now quiet and peaceful.

wheein sat down, pulling out her earphones and placing them in her ears, playing music and drowning out any unwanted sound.

her gaze was focused on outside, waiting for hwasa's stop to arrive.

the girl was undoubtedly excited to see the other, simply because she loved being in her presence. and because she felt like she finally had someone by her side.

as hwasa's stop was nearing, she decided to place her attention on her phone screen, scrolling through her music list- doing that so it wouldn't seem like she was eagerly waiting for hwasa, even though, that was exactly what she was doing.

the vehicle stopped. a few people climbed aboard, wheein thought one of them would be the orange haired girl. she expected to feel a weight on her seat, or even a tap on her shoulder.

there was nothing.

the dark haired girl looked up as she felt the bus jolt forward, starting to drive off again. to her surprise, hwasa wasn't there.

the beautifully stunning girl wasn't anywhere to be seen.

her stomach dropped, tears pricked behind her eyes, but she kept them back. she didn't want to cry- that would only make her feel worse.

a part of her thought she shouldn't be upset over hwasa not being here, then again, a massive part expected the orange haired girl would be right here- next to her.

turning the volume up, leaning her head against the window, she tried pushing away any thoughts consisting of the other girl.

everything felt like a joke to wheein- how she was feeling like things were finally falling into place. it turned out it was just another fantasy. it seemed like nothing great in this world was made for someone like wheein.

out of everything, only one thing, one sentence, kept replaying through the lonely girl's mind: see you on monday.

that was what hwasa said. that was what wheein believed.

lonely ; wheesaWhere stories live. Discover now