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the wind twirled through the tree branches, the sound of the leaves rustling against one another resonated into the night air, along with the faint music the crickets created.

wheein was sitting at her desk, sheets spread out in front of her, yet she was staring so intently out of the window. her ears filled with mother nature's own song; her mind flooded with the thought of one person. it was so wrapped up, engrossed, with hwasa, all wheein wanted to do right now was to be with her.

it had been four days since the school break began, and the dark haired girl has not seen hwasa since last friday.

she still remembered her promise to herself.

she still remembered hwasa agreeing to hang out with her during the holidays.

but it hasn't happened - yet - so, as wheein was sitting alone, uncomfortably in a chair, gazing at the world beyond the glass, she started to come up with a plan.

or maybe more of a date in wheein's mind. she wanted to do something special, something different. and once she sees that gorgeous, heart-fluttering smile hwasa always seems to wear when she was around wheein, she would know her plan had succeeded. she wanted the girl to be happy, she wanted to make this nothing-ever-seems-to-happen kind of holiday to be amazing, for both her and hwasa.

she ripped a blank page from one of her school books and started jotting down ideas- she didn't want it to be too cliché or too tacky. wheein needed it to be really special, because to her, the orange haired girl deserved more than spending her time cooped up in her house.

there was always that thought in the back of wheein's mind that kept saying maybe she's having fun with all of her friends, she doesn't even need you.

quickly, wheein dragged her pen across one of her ideas, the blue ink marking the page.

"i just want it to be great," she let out a deep sigh. "because she is great."

sitting back in her chair further, the girl looked outside the window once again, staring past all the trees and buildings, up at the sky. the stars twinkled, colours of red and blue flickered within the clusters of lights. she took in a few deep breaths, pushing aside all those negative, taunting thoughts that always seemed to rise when she was by herself.

it was as if they were just sitting there, patiently, waiting for the right moment to strike and completely ruin her mood.

but she wasn't going to let them win that time.

wheein spun around in her chair, eyes searching for something in particular, until her gaze landed on it.

she walked over to her bedside table, unplugging her phone from the charger, she then slowly walked back over to her chair. she clutched the device tightly in her hands, almost like a reminder that it was actually there.

"am i really going to do this?" she asked herself as she swiped across the screen, entering the passcode.

subconsciously, her fingers found hwasa's contact in no time, and without thinking about what she was even going to say to the girl, she pressed the phone icon.

it started ringing, wheein was suddenly very conscious of the fact her cheeks were now extremely hot; that her heartbeat increased rapidly; breathing turned shallow.

she couldn't even try to help herself take control and calm down, because soon a very smooth, sweet voice echoed from the other end of the line.


wheein sat there, seriously contemplating whether she should just end call and pretend like it never happened.

"wheein? are you there?" hwasa's voice saying her name caught her attention.

she had to say something: "i-i, um, hi."

a slight giggle came from hwasa, instantly causing the corner of wheein's lips to turn upwards, into a real smile.

"why are you calling at eleven-thirty? is everything okay?"

a quiet 'oh, shit' left wheein's lips all too abruptly, which the orange haired girl must of heard, because she started laughing.

"it's okay, i was just watching a movie, so is there any particular reason you're calling me?" the smile in her voice was so prominent.

it was like happiness radiated out of the phone call and into wheein's system.

hit with a sudden type of high, the dark haired girl couldn't stop the words from spilling out her mouth.

"do you want to go on a date with me?"

the line went silent, wheein had to check to see if hwasa actually hung up, but to her utmost surprise, she was still there. yet the question burned its way into the air, and it was like as soon as it escaped her lips, heat spread throughout her entire body.

she could have quickly added 'i mean hanging out, like, friends!' but she didn't, she couldn't bring herself to open her mouth again.


"wait, what?" wheein blurted, taken aback by the answer.

"yes, i would really like to go on a date with you, wheein."

the dark haired girl grinned so wide she felt as if she might just pass out from all the happiness racing through her bones and every inch of her skin.

"great, that's great," she spoke softly. "i'll text you the details tomorrow, okay?"

"i'm looking forward to it."

soon, the call ended, and wheein threw her phone on the bed. resting her face in her hands, she let out a breathy laugh. she was beyond ecstatic. she, jung wheein, was going to go on a date with her crush, ahn hyejin.

it felt unreal, like a dream, but she knew it was true, and she was happy.

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