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wheein was sitting on the bus, head resting on the window. every now and then the bus would go over a bump, and the girl's head lightly thudding against the glass. she was too tired to actually do something about that, though.

she was up most of the night studying, going over all her school work, rewriting notes, so they would stick in her mind.

the only reason she did that was to make her parents proud, but as the night went on, the more her head flooded with other thoughts- darker, more taunting ones. she started to feel worthless again. she couldn't help but think, or know, she was letting her parents down. the girl had been trying extremely hard, yet, they still couldn't see that.

caught up in her own world, she didn't even realize the bus came to a halt, and hwasa was making her way over to the stressed out girl.

"wheein," the orange haired girl gently tugged on her sleeve, trying to get her attention.

the dark haired girl turned her head as soon as she heard that voice. for the first time today, she smiled.

after everything that has happened at home, and her own battle inside her mind, somehow, ahn hyejin, could always manage to make wheein feel a sense of happiness. as if, she was her home, and being around the girl gave her the comfort she hasn't had throughout these years of being alone.

"hi," she shifted her body so she was facing the other girl better. "it's so cold out, where's your scarf?"

"i left it at home," hwasa shrugged, moving some hair behind her ear.

it was obvious she was freezing; how her cold fingers lightly brushed against wheein's wrist; how the girl would shivered so slightly. even being inside the bus, the chilly air succeeded in surrounding the vehicle, and wrapping its way around every individual.

wheein looked down at one of her gloves, taking the right one off, and passing it to the cold girl, "here."

she took it and smiled brightly. although it wasn't much warmth, they both felt warmer being with next to one another.

"give me your hand."

hwasa held out her left hand - the one with no glove - so the dark haired girl got the hint and placed her right hand in the palm of the other's.

"now both hands will stay warm," she said with a cheerful tone. wheein couldn't help but smile at the girl's, not very, sly attempt to hold her hand.

the two girls sat quietly while the bus continued its journey to school.

once it did stop, both of them walked off together. they entered the school gates hand in hand. the bell hasn't rang yet, so it was a bit surprising to wheein when the other started to pull her alongside towards the science blocks.

it was not like she would even protest about where they were going- it was already starting to feel less freezing between the buildings. besides, she knew hwasa wasn't planning to do anything to hurt her.

they stopped at a wooden bench, hwasa was the first to sit down, patting the space next to her.

wheein took a seat. tilting her head to the side a bit, looking at the orange haired girl with a confused expression on her face.

"so, tell me what's wrong."

hwasa gently held the girl's gloveless hand with both of her hands. the confusion disintegrated, and wheein knew exactly what the other was talking about.

she took a deep breath in- hoping her voice wouldn't sound shaky, that the tears won't start to fall.

"my parents are back at home," the corner of wheein's lips tugged upwards, kind of in a bittersweet way. it obviously wasn't a genuine smile, and the orange haired girl could see that.

she shifted closer on the seat, "are they treating you okay? d-did they hurt you?"

"n-no, no, they didn't hurt me," the girl enlaced their fingers, trying to find a sense of comfort in this moment between the two, to find more confidence with continuing talking, "they just want me to do well in school, i guess. i-i've been up most of last night studying, so i'm feeling kind of tired, that's all."

hwasa leaned in, wrapping her arms around the dark haired girl's shoulders, "remember what i said wheein? i'm always here. you can trust me."

wheein nodded her head against the girl's shoulder, "i know. i'm here for you, too."

now, the loud bell rang, making the two girls pull away from their embrace.

the orange haired girl walked the other to class, and for the second time that day, she brought the girl into her arms, hugging her in a silent goodbye.

and once wheein sat down in class, she could finally acknowledge the fact her heart was beating rather fast, her cheeks tingled with a feeling of warmth, and all the negative thoughts she was dealing with this morning have suddenly disappeared, because right now, her mind was only focusing on one person:


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