Chapter 21

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THE BALL IS postponed two days so I can find a dress. Cameron feels so bad about shouting at me. She begged her parents to postpone the Charity Ball. It’s kind of a big deal. We have rich people coming here from all over the place, wanting to help a charity out. They’re all going to be put into an inconvenience because of me.

“It’s okay. Really,” Cameron says. “I told Mum and Dad about what happened with your dress. Diana is grounded for a month after the Ball is over.” She gives me a hug. “I’m so sorry, Ally, for snapping at you like that. I hope you can forgive me.”

I smile. “Of course I can forgive you, Cam. I love you and I’m never ever going to be mad at you for that. I know you didn’t mean it. You were frustrated.”

She nods. “Thank you, Ally.” She pulls away so she can look at me. “I wish you were my sister instead of Diana. God she’s such a bitch.”

The clicks of the mean stilettos tell us that Diana is right behind us. Cameron and I are sitting out on the huge marble porch. All the lights and decorations in the garden looks amazing, even switched off during the day. Diana clears her throat and there’s no doubt about it that she heard Cameron.

“Oh, so I’m not good enough for you now, Cameron?” Diana’s voice is so icy, it chills my bones. She walks slowly down the porch and then stands on the bottom step to glare at us. “Look at you two. You’re so buddy-buddy. God you two make me sick. What, so you’re best friends now? What, you’re so happy?”

I glance at Cameron, who says, “What are you talking about, Diana? You’re so weird.”

She scoffs. “Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about. This always happen. We’re sisters, Cameron. We go to a school in America – we’re closer than anything!”

Cameron raises an eyebrow. “I wish.”

Diana continues. “Do you remember last time? Last time we met up again, Ally, you were Cyan. You just barged in here and took my sister away.”

“Oh don’t be such a drama queen, Diana. You know you’re blowing this whole thing out of proportion. We’re not even that close. I’m closer to Patrick that I am to you,” Cameron says.

Diana sniffs. “You changed my little sister,” she says directly to me, as if accusing me of a crime.

“You’re so annoying, Diana,” Cameron says. “Why do you have to ruin everything? Ally hasn’t done anything to you. Why can’t you just let her live her life in peace? Jesus, you don’t have to tear her apart for some stupid reason every time she sees us. I like my cousin, actually, Diana. I think you should too.”

Suddenly Diana looks bored. She cocks her head to one side, ignores Cameron, and looks at me. “What’s the matter, Ally?” she says. “Why are you so quiet? Why aren’t you speaking?” She laughs.

“Stop it,” Cameron says.

“Remember the last time, Cyan? You hated being here so much you didn’t say a word for two weeks. Then you wet yourself.” She bursts out laughing.

Cameron stares at her sister. “We were so little then!” she says, throwing up her arms in disbelief.

“Why are you letting Cammie defend you?” She steps up to me and pokes my head. With every word, she pokes. “Why. Aren’t. You. Defending. Yourself?”

I stand up but I don’t say anything. I need air. The garden feels contaminated. There’s a slight breeze but it’s not enough. I need to go home.


I look at Cameron but I’m silent.

Diana’s laugh is so ear-piercing and annoying. I want to cry, but I know that will make her even happier. I want to feel cruel for once.

“Leave me alone, Diana,” I spit out before leaving her horrible laughter behind.


It is still morning when I leave Diana and Cameron’s house. I’m trying to walk to the hotel because I don’t really have much money. I left Mum and Dad at the house without saying goodbye. I’ll feel bad about it later when they phone me up to ask me where I am.

I’m behind a tall building I know that is right opposite the hotel. It’s full of apartments that are usually rented out to holidaymakers. If I just walk around it, I can get to the hotel and I can sleep. I really don’t want to think about anything.

When my phone vibrates in my pocket, I realise that I have unread text messages. The first one was from Cameron to tell me to meet up at her house (before she phoned me up because I didn’t reply). The second one is from her again to ask me if I’m okay. (Ally, are you okay? Ignore Diana. I’ve told her to piss off. We have to go dress-shopping tomorrow. Well, not exactly dress shopping. More like coming over to my house (don’t worry, Diana is out tomorrow – all day) and rummaging through all the dresses I ordered online last night. It’s going to be great! I hope you feel better. See you tomorrow. Love you, Cam xx).

I’m about to read a text message from an unknown person when I crash right into someone.

“Oh god, I’m sorry. Are you okay?” The voice was deep and masculine and definitely familiar. I look up and I get a shock. He looks up to meet my eyes and I know he recognises me too. “Hey...”

I smile without knowing that I’m smiling. His voice is so nice. God, is this what people who have crushes do? I must look like a complete idiot, but I can’t help it. “Hey,” I squeak. It sounds like a squeak. Damn. He’s never going to like me now. Who likes a girl like me? I had no chance...against Stephanie. What is she doing here?

“Well, look who it is,” she says.

I really don’t think I can take two horrible girls in one day. I can’t help but feel seriously disappointed. What was I thinking anyway? What Stephanie wants, Stephanie gets.

The boy rolls his eyes. “Shut up, Stephanie. You promised me you’ll be nice to other people on your way home.”

Home? Stephanie’s going?

“Right, boss,” Stephanie mutters. “Thanks for helping me load the cases. Tell your parents I said thanks, Jordan.”


He sighs. “You’re welcome, Stephanie.”

Stephanie gets into the loaded taxi and Jordan (thought and said with a sigh) closes the door for her. We wave as the taxi zooms off in the direction of the airport.

Jordan looks at me. “Hey. I never got to introduce myself. I’m Jordan Harvey.” He smiles a charming smile and my mind goes blank.

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