Part 5

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After Taehyung roamed me around the house we went back to the second floor where I was informed that his bedroom is.

"You can use the bathroom over there." Taehyung said pointing his index finger to a door which I guess was the bathroom door.

"I'll just wait you here and show you where you will be sleeping." he continued and I nod as respond.


After I clean myself. I went outside of the bathroom and saw Taehyung standing in front of the door. I think he really does wait me.

"Oh! You're done. Let's go?" He asked wearing his boxy smile."Yeah."I said shyly. As we began to walk.

I was behind him tailing him as I completely letting him lead the way so that I can stare to his back as long as wanted to, but it wasn't that long when he turn around telling me that we're already here.

I walked inside roaming my eyes inside his room,"You only have one bed, where will you sleep?" I mumbled eyeing his bed. "Here" Taehyung spluttered nonchalantly.

"What d-do you mean here?" I stuttered out as confusion written all over my face.

"I-i mean here in the sofa so I can make sure that you're 100 percent comfortable" He muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Ah-Thank you Taehyung op~" ,"Taehyung is fine." He cut off,"Shall we go to sleep now?" He asked as I nod immediately lying down to the bed while Taehyung did the same he lied down to the sofa hugging a pillow back facing me.

I eyed him for 5 minutes when he quickly turn around again and this time I was surprised and taken aback.

Thinking that he'd feel asleep already.

"I forgot to tell you something" he cooed softly, blinking his sleepy little eyes.

"Hmm" I hummed as sleepiness began to haunt me, "Tomorrow we're going to my friends house.. uh were you okay with that?" He asked unsure if he asked the right thing.

"I'm okay as long as I'm with you" I uttered unknowingly agreeing without having a second thoughts about it.

Even so it was his friend's house and he was there he could guard me and assuring I'm not facing any other harm, I felt comfortable in his side I felt safe as if he was there to risk his life doubtlessly not gonna mind if he was hurt or anything all that was floating in his mind was me and Yu Jeon only.

"Pardon?" He invokes with a shocked and unbelieving expression. Even me was shocked from the words that left my mouth.

"I mean as long as you were there. I feel safe when you a~" I said completely stuttering more like rambling thinking for some lame excuses.

"oh~ that's fine, I know what you are trying to say, But I'm gonna leave you there." He said with an uneasy tone on his voice.

"It's fine I can wait for you. I won't go anywhere I promise!" I muttered putting my right hand in the air.

"How kind of you Yu Jeon ah~ i'll come back for you after we finish what we're doing." I nod, hugging one of my pillows as I slowly close my eyes.


I watch Yu Jeon as she fell asleep peacefully. I stood up and walk beside of the bed then kneeled down beside her.

"Why are you so beautiful? You looks so perfect in many ways. Why in all of the girls in this world. Why you?" I said as tears started to build up in the corners of my eyes,"No matter what happens you'll never be mine anyways." I wiped my salty tears, smiling bitterly to myself.

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