Part 18

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As poor Yu Jeon slowly became unconscious into Taehyung's strong arms, he suddenly came to halt as a spark of remorse began to slither within him due to his unforgivable move towards her, he could not believe that he lost his control, but he only wished to be with her forever, even the young girl cannot blame him for doing so.

Taehyung gently laid Yu Jeon's head to his lap as he pet her hair in a smooth comforting way, "I-I'm sorry-" Taehyung stuttered out, salty tears began to stream down his fluffy cheeks.

Taehyung slowly lean in closing the gap between their lips as it slowly attached against each other that's then he kissed Yu Jeon passionately, his kiss was filled with love and care, regret and despair, agony and madness, but mostly remorse.

It was soft and soothing urging Yu Jeon to forget what just happened, he slowly retreat his head back as he close his eyes tightly allowing more tears to fall. A minute or more he began to carry her to the sofa covering her with a thick blanket, he eyed her one more time as he decided to take his leave before Jimin went back to check her and before he let his heart shatter into million pieces again, before he broke down in front of her, before he decided again to stay rather than to leave.

Whereas, Eun was there stalking their every move.

"Their weakness." Eun smirked to himself and slowly vanished into the darkness,


I slowly opened my eyes as my body felt weak, random memory flashed in my mind as Taehyung's name appeared on it.

Taehyung, encountered, vampire.

I warily cupped my neck and winced in pain, "I'm not dreaming, h-he is one of them." I muttered under my breath, suddenly a loud thud can be heard downstairs.

I slowly sit as I was becoming cautious to my surrounding, "J-Jimin is that you?" I asked, as footsteps can be heard outside my door.

"Jimin don't scared me! It's not funny!" I warned expecting him to be the one who is setting a prank towards me again.

Aish! This is creeping the shit out of me where is he?!

"Jimin?" I muttered as the door slightly open and a man with a mask enter, "who are you?" I spluttered, the man remain silent as he walk cautiously closer to my bed.

"don't you dare come near me" I warned as I glare at him, his lips formed a smirk that was covered by his thin mask.

"Jimin! Where are you?!" I yelled, getting scared by the presence of the unknown man in front of me.

" Yu Jeon- ah don't call him you're scaring me." he mocked eyeing me, "who are you bastard! How did you know my name?!" I uttered as I threw the pillow that I am holding to him, I shudder seeing his dark black eyes turn into a red one gently piercing my barely existence soul.

"Feisty, but I need to put you back to sleep, conserve your energy and show me again that feisty side of yours later." He muttered, quickly hovering on top of me he then took a syringe to his pocket and ready to inject it to me, I struggled under him trying to free myself from his tight grasp.

He harshly seized my wrist preventing me from making another attempt to stop him from injecting it to me, but unfortunately he was unbelievably strong.

He won as I felt something sharp pierced through my skin making me lost my senses and slowly became numb, that was the time my eyes slowly closed as the darkness ate me out.


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