Part 24

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"Aren't you strong to beat me up? Why do you seem so weak right now?" The boy, Jimin mocked up as he hold Eun in place using they boy's collar.

Eun struggled to remove Jimin's hand that was seizing his collar but he failed to do so. Jimin unknowingly smirk as his eyes grew lighter.

Eun smirked back in return not wanting to lower his pride.

"Do you think that you could now kill me after you drunk my daughter's blood?" Eun crazily laugh as he turn his attention back to him, "you're wrong you're still weak as you were before."

"Really?" Jimin uttered planting a hard punch on Eun's face causing the boy to flew in the air but thankfully the boy got his balance as he didn't land flat on the ground.

"What more can you do other than punching you weakling." Eun mocked up immediately aiming to scratch Jimin's face however Jimin dodged it causing the boy's head to burn from anger.

"You have them all." Eun suddenly brought up placing an unexpected hard punch on Jimin face as the boy landed flatly on the ground, "what are you saying?" Jimin murmured in between his grunts rubbing the tint of blood on the side of his lips.

"You have everything that I've wished for!" Eun roared attempting to claw Jimin but luckily the boy caught his hand on time.

He, Jimin prepared himself to shove his fingers to Eun's back waiting for Eun to make the first move.

Jimin suddenly noticed that thirty minutes have already passed, roaming his eyes to check if the bombs were now all set.

Eun immediately processed Jimin's every move as he immediately strived to get out from the cave but unfortunately Jimin held him in place leaving him no choice but to stay.

"We're not done here." Jimin breathlessly muttered. "If you didn't plan to die take your filthy hands off of me." Eun warned.

"We're," Jimin slowly aimed his fingers back to Eun's chest, "dying here together." Jimin promptly shoved his fingers on Eun's chest as Eun clawed Jimin's in return causing them together to fall flat on the ground after a few seconds.

Taehyung already fire the bombs up from the outside as a loud thud can be heard, the floor began to shake from the impact caused by the bombs. The two of them sprawled flat on the ground, body were weak and was covered with their own blood.

Ceilings start to fall, walls start to break the entrance were blocked by the falling pieces of rocks as the light of the sun penetrated inside the cave from the broken ceiling blinding Eun from the intense brightness.

His skin starts to hurt due to the light that was burning his skin despite of everything he admired the scene that he had been wanted to see from his whole life.

"I-" The poor boy paused as the boy coughed blood were now coming out from his mouth, "I never thought that I could be able to see the beauty of the sun."

Eun's breathe became uneven as his chest abnormally rose up and down, "I never thought that the world that I'd once want to destroy were this beautiful."

He didn't notice that tears starts to course down to his face at the same time as the memory of Jeoreen bearing his only daughter flashed in his mind.

Regretting the bad deeds that he have done. The cave slowly collapsed trapping the two boys who's lying on the cold ground waiting their life to end as their body was slowly eaten by the rocks.

Jimin gathered all the strength that was left to him uttering the last words he had been holding.

"I'm sorry Yu Jeon-ah I wasn't able to fulfill my promise." The boy breathe deeply as the tears continued to stream down to his already wet cheeks, "I'm sorry."

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