Lenny (1)

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It's Nusta's birthday next week, and I still haven't decided what to get her. See, the thing is that, I don't think anything would be special enough for her. She's this perfect creature, who deserves a perfect gift. And I'm the un-perfect person, who'll get her an un-perfect present.


I'm sitting in Chemistry class, looking at Mrs. Williams and the blackboard rather blankly, when the idea strikes me. I know what I'm gonna get her. I steal a sideways glance at her, she's busy taking down notes. She's in nerd mode. She manages to pull that off, too. Her brown locks are cascading down her shoulders in messy waves, her eyebrows are furrowed in concentration and her lips are parted a little. God, she's beautiful.

'Mr. Swynblade, perhaps you'd like to tell the class the about the chemical properties of ethanol.'

*Perhaps not*

I just stand there, staring at Williams, willing her to burst into flames.

'I ummm...sure, ethanol is..umm drinking alcohol'

'Oh, is it', she snorts. 'Maybe you'd like having some of it, eh?'

Now I'm pissed.

'Only if it means not attending your brilliant Chemistry classes.', I smile sweetly.

Everyone except her laughs. Well, everyone except her and Nusta. The bell rings and I start packing up, only to find Nusta standing in front of me, glaring.

'What?', I ask.

'You need to control your anger, Len. You CANNOT flunk Chemistry, if you want to get into Harvard. Piss her off, and she'll make sure you flunk.'

I just roll my eyes and walk off, leaving her standing alone.

Yes, I'm an asshole when I'm pissed.

As soon as I'm home, I start working on the gift. I take out old photo albums, and spend an hour going through them. I decide upon a picture three hours later. It's of when we went to Disney World on a school trip. We both are grinning from ear to ear, and look like goofy idiots. For the strap, I decide on an aztec patterned weaved one, she loves everything aztec. I place the order, satisfied with my idea.

Now I just have to think of a way to be the first one to wish her.

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