Misery, Misery

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Well I'm back home after being with my aunts for a week. Back home where I belong. And now I can write in the luxury of my home.


Ashley's POV

I walked outside all confident, ready to see what life has done with my past. It was about 20 of them. And then my heart stopped on Chase and his uh... uh pregnant mate. His eyes stopped on me but I looked at Oscar. I could see the shocked look on everyone's faces

Oscar and I went over the plan last night so I knew what to do. Pretend like meeting them for the first time.

"Ashley, the alpha of the Theta pack Chase Morrow" Oscar said with a goofy grin.

I went to give him a handshake but as soon as our hands touched I was forced to look at him and then I froze.

Staring at those pair of grey eyes that didn't want me. That thought I wasn't enough brought pain.

I felt perfect for a moment but then I pulled myself out.

"And his 'mate' Britney" Oscar said with enfasis on mate,

I almost chuckled at his silliness but I kept the plan in mind.

I turned to shake hand of his uh...uh mate but then I STOPPED.

SO THIS IS WHAT HE THOUGHT OF PERFECT I thought to myself. It was Britney, the slut of the town. Her parents were rich so she could have anything she want. But she had gotten weight and well has a swolen belly.

She was surprise to see me but I shooked her hands anyway.

I backed up away to see the rest of the pack. There was the farmer's son Jeffrey, the mayor's son Johnny and some new ones and those that knew me but I forgot their names. My head turned and turned until I landed on my brother.

He was srawny and skinny but still had muscles with bags under his eyes. He looked surprised to see me.

'Good' I thought to myself, my job done.

Chase's POV

My mate was alive I thought to myself. But I caused her to run away.

"Baby" Britney said. I almost didn't hear her. Too busy staring at the girl in the blue top and black skinny jeans.

*O m-m-my g-god-d* Joseph said in my head. I turned around and looked at him. He was turning blue. Everybody else was shocked.

"Chase" Britney whispered slash yelled.
"Huh" I said to Britney who was now glaring at me.

I heard a chuckle and I looked at Oscar who was now looking at us.

Oscar looked up and said "I will now show you where you'll stay"

We walked around for about 15 minutes. Entering this house with about 30 rooms. Thank God he owned half this town, or we'd be really uncomfortable.

And then Oscar showed us a king bedroom with a king size bed. A big screen TV, and a black leather couch. And the wall was painted a sky blue color and there was decorations everywhere.

I dumped my bag on the floor. Britney layed on the bed and tried to pose.

But all I could think about was her. She changed herself and changed her life because of me.

*I thought she was dead man. I thought my baby sister was gone, I thought* Joseph said through the mind link sounding like he was about to cry.

I didn't even think that was possible through the mind link but Joseph just changed my mind.

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