Gerard moves in with his new roommate. But, why does Gerard feel so homophobic when Frank starts to bring boys home? He's never had a history of acting this way before. Could it be? No.
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(A/N: this is Craig Roberts, btw)
The weather outside was atrocious. Claps of thunder echoed off the tall buildings. Rain pelted the window panes. It kept Frank and I in. Grumble. I checked the time. 7:00. I figured it was time for dinner. My stomach seemed to agree. If I can remember correctly we have enough groceries for an actual meal. When was the last time I went grocery shopping? Two days ago. Yeah, I could make dinner for Frank and I. With a pep in my walk I exit my room. "Hey, Frank, do you want-" oh my lord, he is a crying pile of blankets on the couch, "What's wrong?"
He looked at me, startled. "G-Gee! I thought you were asleep!"
Oh, how you can see him searching frantically for an excuse. "Frank," I stare at him stone-faced, "It's 7:00."
His expression turned from panic to one of defeat. "I was binge watching Craig Roberts movies and The Fundamentals of Caring got to me."
"Who's Craig Roberts?"
"He's this actor. I know it's a random person to binge out on. I just saw him in something and I thought, 'What more can this guy do?'" As he's recalling how this odd predicament came to be, he traces the shape of an arch with his hand. I suppose to show wonderment, but in reality it makes him look like a dork.
"Fun, fun. " I stare at the floor to get my memory jogging. Apparently, witnessing your roommate crying over a movie gets your mind off track. "Oh, I can make dinner, if you want."
"We have a more pressing matter at hand, my dear Gerard." Frank attempted (and failed) to imitate a heroic character from a 50's movie.
I decided to comply and played to damsel, "What's that, Frank?" My voice was airy and high pitched. I totally sounded like a chick.
His features turned serious as he turned to me, "I'm gay."
"Are you gay for Craig Roberts?" I meet his bluntness with a lighthearted comment.
His nose crumpled in a playful frustration, "Is it that obvious?"
"Yeah. But, why Craig? There are so many actors out there."